Chapter 31

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A few days later, Amelia was on the phone, "Jack and I are going." Amelia told her. "I'll pick you up."

"I'm not going."

"So you won't have to show up on your own." Amelia continued as if Ella hadn't interrupted.

"I'm not going." Ella stated more forcefully.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to."

"We went last year."

"I know."

"Come on Ella, Jack will be busy, either taking part or helping. David will be busy with school stuff. You remember last year when we went they were both flat out. Ben just flirts with every woman there, so he's no company. Please Ella. You can't leave me at that thing alone!" Amelia pushed, "Twenty minutes, and Ella, pull on old jeans or something. I'm coming to get you."

"I haven't got old jeans. Or a picnic ready." Last year Amelia and Ella had put together a picnic and had watched the various competitions. They had even taken part in the three legged race. Amelia had loved it because it allowed her to do or watch all the things she had missed out in her teenage years. Ella had enjoyed it because it gave her a reason to be in the vicinity and watch David without drawing too much attention. But that was then. A year ago. Things were different now.

"Wear trousers. I have heaps of food."


"Ella, come on. I don't want to go on my own. Jack will be in the thick of things, you know what these outdoorsy people are like. Knowing my luck that bloody woman will be there. I'll probably brain her! And it will be your fault for not being there to restrain me."

Ella knew that Amelia was referring to Davina. "Ben will be there." Ella reminded her friend.

"He'd help me brain her. You know he's as bad as Jack. They'll be joining in everything, tug of war, sack races, everything. Ben just does it so that he can attract the attention of some dopey woman. I need some girly company. Evie can't come, she got gored by a bull yesterday. I left messages for Mallory, she's said it depends on whether she gets in, on time, she's flying back from Christchurch I think. Come on Ella, please, pretty please."

"Evie was gored..."

"Not exactly.  She said not to worry!"


"She just said she was ok, but didn't want to come."

" So I'm your last ditch effort. Great. Thanks."

"Ella, you're being difficult. Just say you'll come. It will be fun. We can picnic like last year and..."

"Ok, ok." Ella conceded. "Give me half an hour."

The school fundraiser was a weekend event. Saturday had various ignominious races and a carnival type atmosphere, followed by the barn dance. Sunday had the school old boys and girls take on the school's current teams.

They had to park miles away due to the crowd, and as Ella and Amelia walked with Jack toward the school gates, Ben waved.

"You're late." He told Amelia and threw Jack a reprimanding look. It was obvious why they were late, he thought. Jack had the nerve to grin at him. Smug bastard.

Amelia however was not willing to take the blame for their tardiness. "Blame Ella. She can't walk fast in those heels!" Ben looked down at Ella's feet. He nearly groaned.

"Oh thanks." Ella swatted her friend.

"I've paid for us." Ben waved the four entry tickets "So you get the barn dance tickets for this evening."

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