Chapter 40

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David poked his tongue in his cheek as he studied Ella for a second, then he said, "The study." It was either throw away this progress or compromise to keep the foundations. David recognised that he had never had to work so hard to establish a relationship. And he also recognised  that this relationship was critical.  He wasn't sure why exactly, he just knew this was important. And he really didn't want to review this situation if she was not going to be honest, not when he knew his feelings for her were not what he wanted to feel!  Especially as he didn't know how she felt about him. 

"Perfect." Ella mumbled. Her heart was thumping in relief.

Her statement nicked at David's self-restraint but their gazes met. He could see she was struggling. Seconds elapsed. David reined in his feelings and said quietly, "The view is great, and it has furniture."

Ella conceded silently that it was a great view. And she threw him a look that told him she was grateful for the grace period. He had thrown her a lifeline. She nodded, "It is a lovely room." But she also wanted to know about him: his taste, his opinions, his outlook, "Did you furnish it?" She squared her shoulders and watched his response.

The small muscle at his jaw flexed. "Yeah of course!" He blinked at her and his chin went up another notch, before he questioned, "What do you mean?" He decided that he must stop assuming anything especially with her.

Ella looked straight at David, "I just wondered if you bought the furniture in that room?" Added more candidly, " Or did you ask someone to help you?"

He jammed both hands back in his pockets. "Not exactly." He squirmed. She waited. Ella said nothing. She appeared composed, David thought, while he knew his feelings were all over the place. He wondered what was going on in her head given that spark in her eyes. David opted for the truth, "It was what I had at the time when I was building the place. I just dumped it all in there."

"I see. And you like it." She rubbed her hands up and down her arms. His honest reply was what she wanted from him.

"Well, most of the pieces are old, but yeah, I like it." He replied defensively. "It's probably not your style." He thought her office would have immaculate furniture. It would blend, tasteful, probably perfect, just like her. His exasperation escalated as his attraction to her flared into life again.

"Ok." She ignored the challenge and accusation in his tone. It was hard, having to address his opinions of her, albeit his opinions were only visible in his eyes.

"So what now?" Evidently he expected her to suggest options for him to consider. But she waited for him to speak. Ella, looked around but said nothing. David huffed under his breath. This was difficult. He didn't have the skill. She did. That is why he engaged her to decorate his home. Surely she would tell him what would suit his home! She has experience, she does this for a job, she has a decent reputation, surely she would tell him what would suit his home, David thought as he watched her. But she said nothing, just waited for him to carry on. Eventually, with frustration in his tone, he said, "I mean, it's just stuff I like."

"And that is?" She prompted.

David gaze narrowed as he studied Ella. He growled. "Nothing fancy."


"Just old stuff. Bits and pieces." His shoulders lifted and fell as he shrugged with feigned indifference. "Collected over years. Some old, some recent. Things mum gave me. Dad made the shelves. I just put them where I thought were best for the furniture. Just chairs, a desk." He knew he was starting to sound really defensive. 

Her eyes met his eyes, as she tried to figure out if she should just get on with this. 

David watched her reactions in her eyes. "Pretty ordinary stuff. I guess." She waited for him to stop rambling, suddenly conscious of the fact that he was embarrassed about his furnishings. Obviously he wasn't going to embellish.

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