1. grace

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Grace looked at her car in distress.

"Well, it don't look that bad..." her best friend, Keisha told her, tilting her head as she examined the car. "If you cover up the front."

Grace glared at her. "That ain't helping."

Keisha shrugged. "Sorry, I tried but your car's fucked."

Grace turned back to her damaged vehicle and placed her hands on her head. You better not cry she scolded herself but she could feel the pressure building behind her eyes. She just recieved the car as a graduation gift months ago and it was already messed up. It was hard not to cry out of anger and disappointment.

To make matters worse, not only did she crash the new car, but it happened on campus. And she hit the back of another car. A nice car.

The owner was currently gathering his insurance information so not only did she have to pay for the damages to her car, she had to pay for his also. Thankfully-- or sadly, depending on how you want to see it-- Grace's car took most of the impact.

The guy walked back over to the girls, handing Grace papers. "I wrote my number down too, just in case we needa get in contact."

Grace nodded. "O-okay. Um, I guess I'll give you mine too." She recited her number to him and he stored it in his phone. "My name is Grace by the way."

"I'm KJ."

"I'll, uh, be in contact with you." she told him. "Again, I'm sooo sorry."

Keisha let out a breath beside her and she knew it was because she just apologized for the three hundredth time since her car touched his. Grace couldn't help it. She was nervous, scared and really felt bad. Being someone who was shy and had never been in any trouble, the situation had her anxiety through the roof.

"You cool." KJ told her but she knew she was not cool. He acted as if the back of his car didn't have a dent and cracked tail light. All because a girl couldn't be more cautious.

Grace knew he was downplaying it but she appreciated how he was deciding to be nice instead of blowing down on her in front of everyone.

When KJ got back into his car and drove off, Keisha and Grace did the same.

"Damn, Grace." Keisha said. "Your parents are gonna be pissed."

"I know." she groaned. Grace had no choice but to tell her parents about the accident seeing as they're the ones who bought the car. She also had to ask them for the money to pay because she was living the broke-college-kid life.

Grace banged her head on the steering wheel. "Fuck. My. Life." She accidently hit the horn, causing a few students passing by to look in her direction. She sank down in her seat in embarrassment and sighed.

They were only at the middle of the first semester and Grace was already ready to drop out. This was not how she planned to start her freshman year of college.

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