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Kitara's eyes darkened and her fist rose to the air. It hit Valerie in the face and she fell down to the hard floor.

"I think," Kitara said venomously. "That I haven't told you before. Zayn and I, no matter how you look at it, are betrothed."

Valerie looked up at Kitara with her hand on her face, which was now beginning to bruise.

"And in case you haven't noticed, you have been in the way. He's never noticed me ever since he met you. When we were kids, Zayn would always go up to me and say, 'When we grow up, I'm going to marry you!', but that all changed when you, a filthy mudblood, came along." Kitara growled as she kicked Valerie in the stomach.

(A/N: shit's getting intense....SHIT'S GETTING INTENSE.)

Valerie coughed as her back hit the wall.

"You never deserved to be here at Hogwarts. If it wasn't for our Headmaster being kind to mudbloods like you, you'd be at your mudblood home getting abused by your muggle parents." Kitara said coldly. "To be honest, if I were the Headmaster, you'd be expelled right here, right now. You're too helpless, not that any other mudbloods aren't, but you're a real pain in the arse. You being sweet and innocent in front of other people make. Me. Sick."

Valerie stood up despite her knees rejecting, so the sum is that she is leaning on the wall for support. Kitara walked up to her and slapped her.

"You're a useless piece of shit and you should know that. You should be on your knees kissing the Headmaster's shoes. Without him you'd be a stuck-up bitch in the muggle world. And instead of doing that, you're getting in the way of me and Zayn. You should know better." Kitara spat and pushed Valerie to the ground by the head.

Valerie felt like shouting, but she couldn't. She felt pain in her stomach and on both of her cheeks. She wanted to fight back but couldn't find the strength to.

"If I were the Headmaster, let's say I am fond of mudbloods, but if I saw you and your filthy bullshit, you'd be dead by my hand. I should Avada Kedavra you right now!" Kitara screamed and pulled Valerie by her hair. "You should be thankful Zayn cares about you, because if not for him, you filthy, dirty piece of shit, you'd be lying on this floor right now, lifeless like the stupid piece of shit you are." Kitara growled as she plunged her knee into Valerie's stomach.

Valerie coughed out a bit of blood as Kitara plunged her knee further into Valerie's stomach. Tears of pain left Valerie's eyes and landed on Kitara's lap.

"You dare shed tears in front of me?!" Kitara bellowed and punched Valerie's face again. "You dare shed a single one?! You're more than welcome to, but you'll feel even more pain than you're already in!"

Valerie fell to the floor for what seemed like the third time and now she felt her elbows form bruises for catching her falls.

"You're a son of a bitch and you should know that!" Kitara hissed then kicked Valerie's figure over and over. Valerie saw Kitara's friends look at her with a smile of satisfaction of each face except for one. A brown haired girl stood at the very back of the group and looked at her with pity.

"K-Kit....ara..." Valerie muttered weakly.

"What do you want now, you filthy shit?" Kitara snapped.

"P-Please....please....s-stop...." Valerie begged.

Kitara laughed. "You think you can stop me that easily?" She smiled and pulled Valerie by her hair again. "You're more of an arse than the thing itself, aren't you? Too helpless to speak clearly, eh?"

Valerie closed her eyes tight as Kitara held her hair more tightly than last time.

"Kitara." Said a sharp and venomous voice from behind the group of girls. They all looked behind them and saw Zayn glaring daggers into Kitara. "Put. Her. Down." He ordered and elbowed his way past the girls.

"Cromar! What a pleasant surprise! You should know better than to stand up for this piece of shit. You know you're more higher than her, yet you hang out with her anyway." Kitara said in a falsely sweet voice.

"I said, put her down." Zayn repeated.

"As you wish." Kitara shrugged and dropped Valerie on the floor.

Valerie landed on the floor with a loud thud, and her elbow caught her fall again, but now she felt like it was sprained.

"Why are you doing this to her?" Zayn asked angrily.

"Because she's in the way of us." Kitara shrugged.

"Oh, Kitara, you know there isn't an us." Zayn said savagely.

"Zayn, you know there is. We're betrothed and after Hogwarts we'll be married." Kitara smirked.

"Let me tell you this, Kitara; after what you just did to Valerie, I feel like I just want to kill you this very moment. You've crossed her boundaries, and you've crossed ours too." Zayn said coldly, pointing at the group of girls, where Edwin and Lisette were standing, glaring at Kitara with poisonous ones.

"You mess with Valerie, Kitara," Lisette growled. "You mess with us. And let me tell you, you do not want to mess with us."

"You see, Kitara," Zayn began, pulling out his wand. "Valerie, of all of us, is our optimist. And without our optimist, we turn wild. So you've made the biggest mistake when you messed with her. The biggest." (A/N: shit, I'm getting goosebumps....)

"Zayn, let's not do anything stupid..." Kitara said as she backed up on the wall.

"Stupid? Stupid? You made a stupid decision when you slapped Valerie across the face! And you have the guts to tell me not to do anything STUPID?!" Zayn growled and pointed his wand at Kitara.

Valerie looked up at Zayn with tears still in her eyes. Summoning her courage just as Zayn began the "Expelliarmus" curse, Valerie screamed "ZAYN NO!"

Zayn's gaze went from Kitara to Valerie. "Valerie, this little toerag is the reason you have bruises forming all over you!" He hissed, looking back at Kitara.

Valerie held onto the wall as she straightened up, which was difficult so she limped every time. "I...I know...but please, don't do something you'll regret..." She begged. She looked at Lisette and Edwin and saw both had their wands out too. "Please don't..."

Zayn looked back at Valerie and sighed, then lowered his wand. "I'll let you off this once, Kitara. Be happy Valerie was here, or else you'd be flat on the floor." He spat. He walked over to Valerie and held his hands up for her to hold.

Kitara looked at Lisette and Edwin and saw them lower their wands as well, then she shot a glare at Valerie.

"From this day forward," Zayn told Valerie softly. "You're not walking to your dorm alone again."

Valerie nodded and took Zayn's hands. He helped her straighten up properly before he put her arm across his neck and picked her up bridal style.

"Let's go, Lisette, Edwin." He said to Lisette and Edwin, who shot deadly glares at Kitara before following Zayn.

Kitara was left with her friends and she spat.

"That bitch has done it now." She muttered.

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