It was bringing back bad memories, but at least the bed was comfortable. She took a deep breath before calling her husband. She knew this conversation would most likely change their marriage forever.

"Fran? What's wrong? Nathan called me earlier saying you were upset, was it something your mother said?" Tony answered the phone with hasty questions.

"I'm alright," she cleared her throat. It was already clogging up with tears. "I—I have something to tell you, Tony, and I need you to not be upset with me." Her eyes fluttered shut and she flopped back onto the bed.

"Of course I promise, baby, but what could be wrong?" He was extremely confused now.

"I don't think I can come home as soon as I thought, baby," she whispered through her tears. She let out a loud sob but covered her mouth to try and stop them.

She heard something ruffling on Tony's end. It sounded like he sat up in bed, or maybe shoved some papers out of the way...Fran was trying to focus on little things to make her tears go away, but it was no use.

Who wouldn't cry when ending their marriage with the love of their life?

Certainly not Francesca.

"What do you mean, Fran?" Tony asked tentatively. A minute passed. "Fran? You still there? What do you mean?"

"My mother...the child..." her sobs blurred the sentence and Tony couldn't understand a thing. He hated when she had attacks and he wasn't there to help.

"Breathe, baby, breathe. Take your time," he encouraged. A couple minutes went by before she was able to talk.

"I'm taking the kid, Tony," she blurted. It felt like time froze while she waited for his response. One minute went by...then two...then three. She felt like her lungs had shut down. Unable to breathe anymore she let out a loud cough that snapped Tony's attention back to her.

"What?" Was all he could say.

"I just—she was going to give it away, Tony, and I know I didn't talk to you about it first, but—"

"But you would feel guilty for the rest of your life," he finished for her. She sobbed loudly then sniffled before answering him.

"I don't think I can ever come home," she whispered again. More rustling on Tony's end. More tears.

"Listen, baby, let's talk about this. Are you listening?"

"Yeah," she croaked. Fran tried to wipe her eyes but the tears were coming out uncontrollably.

"Why do you think you can't come home?" He tried to keep the pleading tone out of his voice, but Tony didn't know if it was working.

"It's too dangerous," Fran's tone made her sound like a child, but she didn't care. She begged there was a solution to this problem.

"Okay—I'm not leaving you, baby, alright? We'll raise the kid together."

"It's too dangerous!" She yelled. Why was she already feeling protective of the child?

"Alright, alright, well..." he trailed off, "how about this; what can I do to make you come home?" He could tell he was definitely pleading now.

"Leave your family," was her response without any hesitation.

"Even if I left my family, there would still be a target on my back, baby, and I would never put you in danger."

"I miss you," she wailed. Fran didn't want to leave her husband. Even if he was in the mafia, she wanted to be with him. She could admit that. But, as much turmoil and danger they'd gone through recently she couldn't put a child through that situation.

"I know baby, I know...give me just a second, alright?" He needed to get a pen and paper. They could figure this out.

He was back less than a minute later.

"You still there, baby?" When she didn't respond, his hand reached for his other phone to call Nathan. A sniffle was heard a few seconds later, then a cough.

"You need to breathe, Fran. Breathe," he tried to make sure she was alright.

"I'm here, Tony," she said. He could tell her voice was still clogged. His heart broke more than it was already breaking.

"Okay, as much as you dislike my family they're here for our protection. They would protect our child with their lives. What else is the problem?" Tony was trying to knock them out one by one. He wanted his wife back more than he'd wanted anything in the world.

"Our child will not be your successor. Make sure everyone you know understands this ends with you. End it peacefully."

"Done. What else?"

"Sangue...whatever the hell their name is, Tony, I will not raise my child to live in fear," she demanded, chest heaving.

"I understand, baby, let's think of a solution. What can I do?"

Fran was calming down now. Her husband kept his tone calm, his head cool, and it really helped her mind clear to think a lot more.

"Get rid of them, Tony. However you have to do it. Then I'll come home."

"Deal, baby, deal deal deal. What else?" He asked. He really was prepared to make the world stop turning if she wanted it.

Francesca cleared her throat.

"I don't think there's anything else, Tony." Her husband had pretty much run through all of her worries.

"Alright, baby. You feeling better?" He questioned quietly.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I'm not leaving you, baby, we're it. Forever."


Forever...AW! I love them and miss them being together so much. I just want to write more lovey-dovey scenes!

Let me know what you think!

Thank you so much for reading, can't wait to continue on Tony and Francesca's journey!

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