"And how's your mother been" another one adds on to that.

"She's great. Living her life in Ohio, she's doing really well" Its considerate of them to ask. Ohio isn't popular for racing which is why my mom moved back there.

"Um Ms. Davis, you father-" shit no, I was doing so well. "- your father Joseph Davis, or more known as 'The Jet', has set the world record for fastest speed in racing history, setting at 220 mph. Fresh meat Harry Styles is climbing up there with a major 218 mph, very close to out-gunning you father how do you feel about that?" Some female asks, they all start to look the same at some point.

"I mean, Harry is a very impressive racer, and I congratulate him on his accomplishments, but in my heart my dad with always be my favourite racer, on and off the track" I answer with pride. Nobody could ever replace him in any way, racing, or being a dad, it'll always be him. God I miss him so much, I need to warp this up soon I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

"Um I'm sorry you guys but I really should-"

"No wait Ms. Davis one more question. Some people have rumored that your father's accident, really wasn't an accident. What's your opinion?" That one pushed my over the edge.

Not only was that wrong, and so disrespectful to ask but completely untrue, I know because police ruled that out as the first ting when they got to the track, I was also there, I saw what happened.

With tears in my eyes, I swollow thickly and reply.

"That was disgusting, I'm not answering that" I spit back and a mini riot starts I swear. They all start yelling again and cameras start flashing as I take a few steps back, just enough for me to shrink away and start speed walking- basically running towards the parking lot.

God this was such a mess.

I'm a mess.

All I want to do is crawl into my bed and cry. I don't know where Dean is and I don't really care, I'll shoot him a text when I get to my car. I don't know where Harry is with my hat but I better get it back or I'll be pissed.

Before I knew it, with blurry vision I scramble to get my keys from my bag, but once I do and successfully whip open my door, I plop into the seat and slam the door shut. I toss my bag onto the passenger seat and grip the top of my steering wheel with both hands, white-knuckling it.

Don't let them fall.

Don't cry your stronger then that.

But after all the questions they asked, memories from before and after its happened, it all came rushing back and I couldn't stop it. The Hoover Dam just broke, I let my head drop to my hands on the steering wheel and started sobbing.

You'd think that after 3 years I'd be ok with all of it, but look at me now, I'm afraid to even look at a track without seeing my father's car crashing into the wall. He's the reason why I work with cars, to keep his memory alive in my mind, he taught me everything I know, and I didn't even get to say goodbye, he died in the ambulance.

Today has been an emotional whirlwind and I just want to go home.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts and tears, that I didn't even notice Dean had opened my door and crouched down until he put is hand on my back and spoke.

"Shh, it's ok. I know" He said somberly, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"I miss him so much" not replying verbally but physically, by gently grasping my arm and guiding out of the car and to a stand so he can wrap his arms around me.

Always looking out for me.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have bugged you to come. I should've know better that would happen. They're like wolves I tried to get you outta here but I couldn't squeeze through" I can hear the sincerity in his voice, but it wasn't his fault, I did choose to come.

Ride. {H.S.} {CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING/ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now