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"Ah, boys thank you for coming when I called"

"'Course Boss, but can I ask why we got pulled out of a deal meetin' for this?"

"Have a seat please boys, and lock the door if you don't mind"

Obeying, the seven men shuffled into the large, dimly, yet comfortably lit office- it was quite large, but given the job, it wasn't unusual- and settled themselves amongst the lounge furniture. The two Handlers, as well as the Leader, and the Tech had sat themselves on the right brown leather couch, the Weaponsman had taken a seat on the armrest of said couch next to Tech, and lastly, the Cars Dealer, sat in a chaise to the left of the couch, a coffee table in the middle of them, with their boss and his desk beyond that in front of them.

Oddly enough they all felt tense- A Code Black from the boss was never good-, and that wasn't because they were scared of their boss, or that they had done something wrong, but they had been in a very important meeting, one, their boss was having them do in his name, and that's why they were nervous because whatever he had to say, because they were one if not all of three things, one, very important to him, two, an emergency, three, life or death. And so as these boys sat here in front of the one person who has made all their lives better for them, they couldn't all help but have this pit in their stomach that something wasn't right.

"You guys are my boys, I know that you know that, and I wouldn't have called this meeting if I knew I couldn't trust you guys. However a situations come up, one I'm entrusting you to handle, it's going to be, long, it's going to be tedious, and it's probably going to be the most dangerous job I've given you to date" the boys share a look with each other, one weary for a moment before, silently they share a reassuring look before turning their attention back to the Boss.

"You remember my brother, yes? And how he died, you recall the story, yes?" each one of the boys sharing a nod as a response as talking doesn't feel right to either of them, Boss' brother is always a sensitive talk.

"Right well then you recall of him, his life, family, so on and so forth, as well as the connection I have to his family, part of that being the strict protection I have on his daughter and wife, and the time I knew would come one day has finally arrived and I'm afraid the protection is under serious threat" the boys gave each other another look and some even swallowed thickly. They knew exactly what he was talking about, he's told them everything about his brother and his family, their connection, who they were, what they did and accomplished together, all the way down to their final moments with each other, they knew it all and the story in itself was heartbreaking.

"It seems as though history is trying to repeat itself and our greatest personal enemy is coming back to finish the job" he finished slowly as if he himself were drinking in the words as they fell from his mouth. The Leader on the couch finally took the nerve-wracking initiative to speak up.

"What's our play in this Boss?"

"The daughter, she's 25, lives here in Daytona, her daddy's probably punching air for that one" he pauses and smiles a small fond smile. "She's got the biggest target on her back, currently she's the hardest one to get to, as she lives within my borders. Your job is to make sure not a single hair on the top of her head gets damaged" the Boss' tone dropping down to a more serious one.

"I should warn you however that as we speak, they're looking for her. This job is going to be taxing, in every way, but I need you guys to keep her safe until we can take these guys out for the last and final time. They've made it known they are threatening me and someone I care deeply about, they've made it known they are ready for war. I need you, boys, to know, what you're heading into and what you need to be ready for" the leader spoke up again when the room had silenced.

"Our limits?"

"None, do whatever it takes to keep her protected. I'll be there in your corner should anything bad or troublesome happen. Your job is simply do everything you can to protect her, I'll let you boys figure out our own game plan for that, the only advice I can give you for that is, make sure this plan is long term, I don't know just yet what's been in the making and I'll update you every time I get more information" he pauses and takes a deep breath, sitting back in his chair, rubbing a hand over his face in exhaustion.

"I know it's a lot to ask of you boys, but I wouldn't if I didn't feel I couldn't trust you enough to do the job, you're my best man, each of you is like a son to me. I know you lot know how to handle your own, you're strong, and hard workers the lot of you, but I've lost enough family to last a lifetime, now that I have that again I'm going to do everything I can do to keep it safe" he stopped talking as he bent forward with a set of keys in hand opening up one of the cabinets on his desk, inside a safe large enough for the files her had stored in there, using his thumbprint to unlock it he pulled out what he was looking for a closed it all up before standing and walking his way over to the boys. Lay seven of the exact same file on the coffee table, before walking back towards his desk, perching himself just on the edge of the desk

"I want these memorized, they're yours to keep, in case you need to refresh your memory. Keep these hidden and keep them safe, everything about her is in those files, she's not registered under us, by our law she has no affiliation with us so this information is precious to those who want it. The second you open those files you're signing up for a dangerous job on I can't guarantee much of anything on, I can't tell you what's going to happen, or what to expect or what's coming, this isn't like anything you've dealt with before and you know your safety is my top priority, it's something I would neer risk unless I had any other option, but you're the only ones I trust to do this'' he pauses, as if to give the boys a moment to come to a decision, Leader was the first to grab the file and prop it over, with slight weary looks but no hesitation the rest of the boys followed suit and started flipping through the numerous papers tucked within. Eyes catching glimpses of birthdays, blood type, legal names, address, all the way down to physical traits, noticeable tattoos, a breakdown of the facial structure. Right off the bat, these files were as thorough as possible, containing every little detail about this girl.

Looks like they had their homework for tonight.

Arms crossing over his chest and sighing deeply, Boss speaks.

"Boys as of this moment you're now the sole leading members of the DFO."

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