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chapter trailer above as usual.

the pic of harry is just for reference to let yall know that's the harry hair era we're going for like the in between prince haired harry and long haired harry (which will come as the story goes on)

the migraine thing is all true cuz i do suffer from them as i've written charlie does it fucking sucks (cheers to all my migraine nuggets who have the same problem)

in this chap as well i also explain very briefly (and to the best of my knowledge and understanding as a canadian) how the mascara cup series works.

other than that, enjoy.

{Harry's P.O.V.}

'Who hasn't'?

'Who hasn't'?

What the fuck was that supposed to mean

Her final words before she passed out kept floating around my head since I woke up a couple of minutes ago with her in my arms, and each time it fronts my brain I get more pissed but my heart also splinters just a little more.

Who hasn't?

Who in their right fucking mind would tear her down. Charlie of all people, I said it before and I'll say it every day till the day I die, she really is the most beautiful woman I've ever met, in every sense of the word. She's defiant, and confident no matter what she does who she's with. She stands up for herself and doesn't take shit from anyone. She's got this insane fire inside her that so undeniably attractive but the more I think about it, the more I think it might it's a facade for who she is when she's in her own space and actually comfortable. When she's at home she's unbelievably adorable, she's a little shy but she's so fun to be around. She just puts out this energy that draws me right in, its so positive and all-around good it makes me want to be around her all the damn time, she always puts others well being before her own. But she's also extremely self-conscious, it's clear that last night she's never been treated right.

She literally cried when I called her beautiful.

How the fuck does someone get torn down to the point where they cry when someone calls them beautiful, something so fucking genuine.

It all clicks now though, that tough defiant act is just what it is, something she puts in front of others because everyone's told her that who she really is as a person isn't good enough. And it all started coming together in my mind. She was nervous about me coming to her house cause it's smaller than most and decorated in a way that's uniquely her, but they didn't like that. She was embarrassed about the fact she takes pictures of her puzzles and puts them on her wall, and the fact that puzzles are one of her hobbies, because they didn't like that, whoever they are.

It just boils my blood that over the years she's been told to hide who she is and what she likes because people didn't like it. Who the fuck are they to talk. And it's not just these things either, it's physical too, the night I saw her in my house when we were all off to the club I saw how apprehensive she was wearing that dress that she made look so fucking good that I almost wanted to rip it off her. She keeps her head down even when she's talking about things she's passionate about and loves doing, like the puzzles thing and when she mentioned gymnastics her cheeks would blush in embarrassment. And how she keeps getting lost in her own mind, she does it because she's so used to trying to block out the outside its a reflex now, to zone out and focus on a specific thing, whether it's good or bad, fuck she sometimes gets lost in her own mind I wonder where she goes and if I could go with her, just to know what she's thinking.

Ride. {H.S.} {CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING/ON HOLD}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat