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had to re update cuz i forgot the trailer which is up above

13k+ words of well i won't spoil it but enjoy.


{Charlie's P.O.V}

"No Harry I can't dance" I groaned out with a small laugh. It had been a couple of minutes since I let him fuck my face, right after I went to the bathroom to help deal with my soaked underwear, to get rid of some of that discomfort. It still fucking hurts to speak but I can't just not talk, I know it'll be worse tomorrow though, I'd do it all over again though because fuck that was hot.

Once we finally collected ourselves, we started on dinner, or well Harry did, I'm just chopping onions because when he left me in charge of watching the butter in the pan while he went to the bathroom I burnt it.

I burnt butter?


I didn't even know butter could burn but hey. So he had to start over on the pan for the salmon he was making. He was making some fancy, healthy salmon pasta dish, he insisted that it was good though and that it was lactose-free. My heart grew a pair of wings and fluttered away, he remembered I thought to myself. It had been a week and a bit since I had told him, most people tell me to suck it up, but he purposefully chose something without lactose, for me. Basically crushing my heart under his shoes in the best way. I can't even deny it now or even try to avoid it, I've got feelings for him, big time. My heart does this weird clenching thing when he's around me, he makes me feel safe and appreciated, he's respectful and kind to basically everyone, no matter where he goes he puts a smile on someone's face and gives me this sense of confidence when im around him. He doesn't make me feel like im less than him, he already has his own publicity so he doesn't use me for that, but most importantly, he makes me feel wanted.

So as I stand here watching him dance like a crack head to Shania Twain's Man! I Feel Like A Woman I couldn't help but throw my head back in laughter at how happy the sight made me. Harry, the sneaky little shit caught me off guard though because before I knew it his arms had wrapped around my waist from behind and pulled me away from my cutting and yanked me towards his, still dancing like an idiot, and I was still laughing.

"Harry" I groaned out with a smile on my face.

"Babe just dance with me who cares if you're good or not. Hurry up the chorus is about to hit its the best part" he insists.

"Ok, but at least let go of me so I can put the knife down" he did what I asked and the second the knife hit the counter I felt Harry grab my wrist and jerk me back towards him. He took my hands in his and we started just twisting and moving our feet, just doing random shit and truthfully I couldn't help but start singing.

"Oh oh oh oh, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady, men's shirt, short skirts" Harry's grin only spread wider on his face, into a beautiful tooth baring smile, showcasing his pearly whites and dimples, as he spins me around and continued the lyrics.

"Given the action, feel the attraction, combing my hair do what I dare" I couldn't help but throw my head back in laughter when Harry said the part about combing his hair because he then flipped his shoulder-length hair over his shoulder all sassily, in a joking way before we continued to jump around to the song a bit. And I smiled the whole way through because in this moment I felt so safe and so free like I could just be me, no judgement, no cameras, no facade, just me. Well me and him, and I wanted it to always be him. I'd damn myself a liar if I said I didn't want this more often, this feeling I had. This feeling sitting in my chest that spread this whole warmth over my body was just indescribable but I loved it and I never wanted it to go away.

Ride. {H.S.} {CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING/ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now