chapter 8

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jj POV

"fuck. okay. but how do you know. theyll find out no point in whispering"

"jess you watch when im on stage and keep track of the creeps. you think i didnt do the same for you? i just never really payed attention much when everyone else went up. but i KNOW he moved from the corner when you came out."


"dont yell at me!" i argued back

"you watched my daughter dance on that fucking pole!" he yelled towards dean

"watch who youre yelling at brother. i had no damn idea cause it wouldnt have happened if i was there. that would be fucking weird" dean said calmly

"everyone needs to chill out. and i only done it when he wasnt there normally had club business. ONE plausible deniability TWO that would be weird as hell. THREE i am fucking grown. if i want to have fun i will even if that includes dancing on a fucking pole. let it go or get out." i said annoyed

"ill leave yall be. i need to run to get a couple things and you some meds. you can have half a glass and one shot even though legally you cant have shit. ive um highlighted the nights you danced." dolly told me

"im not doing all that ill be fine" i told her

"you got me fucked up. you will. ill order chinese when i get back. be nice im sure they all missed you and are worried." she told me quietly

"im sending an escort with you." clay told her

"oh if you insist. but know im not saying anything to anyone and im a big girl." she said smiling as she lifted her shirt revealing her gun in her holster. "ive lived here long enough to know to carry. but if you guys want it ill accept your escort, i get it." she said grabbing her sunglasses.

dean got up he ruffled my hair "stay calm shorty." he mumbled as he followed dolly. the rest of the Vegas guys stepped out back.

fuck i was alone with my family with nothing to use as a buffer or distraction.

gemma walked towards me "if you wasnt hurt id knock the hell out of you for leaving like that. you had us all worried baby"

"sorry ma. none of yall would have let me go. im okay" i said as she lightly hugged me

"i cant believe this shit. wheres my little girl" my dad said not looking at me.

"wow. dramatic much. i could be doing alot worse than stripping a few times atleast im not a fucking croweater or a damn junkie."

"close enough." my dad spat

that really hurt. "youre such an asshole. you can go back to charming. i dont care. i didnt ask you to come here or try and save me. i should have fucking left before yall got here."

"obviously you do need some fucking help! dont talk to me like that jj!"

"ive managed on my own this long. this is the first shit thats happened. even if yall werent here or even dean i would have gotten myself some help! please just go." i said turning to the computer

"why dont we just calm down. no need in arguing" gemma said trying to ease everything. 

i didnt say anything. i could feel them all watching me but i ignored it as i watches the videos. dolly was right the guy did come out when i danced. great so now ive had a stalker. he knew when dean wasnt around. fuck this is going to help my argument so much, theres no way my dad will be okay with me staying here. i know ifni go back to charming ill be on lock down so i cant take off again. i looked around and everyone was watching me.

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