chapter 3

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ive managed to stay in vegas for two months. either dean knows exactly who i am and has been tasked to keep and eye on me or he hasnt realized it. if he hasnt im really shocked.

dean and i have become friends. he sits at the diner when im working, gives me rides back to my hotel even though i tell him im okay walking. he showed me alot of the "touristy shit" here.

i actually had the night off so we were going to the casinos. ive made alot of money since ive been here so i figured i could spare a few hundred. i missed riding the panhead everywhere but i knew it was to risky. the only chance i got to ride her was when dean went "out of town" which i knew really was a run. i managed to not be seen by any other sons so far, atleast that i knew of.

i was putting on my chuck taylors when dean knocked on my hotel room door. i opened the door, he was leaning against the rail for the steps. we were just friends but he looked hot as hell right now. if it wasnt for who my dad was or the fact that im the mother charters princess id fuck the hell out of him. maybe i should tell him who i am. weve really gotten to know each other and i know i can trust him not just because hes a son but hes showed me hes trustworthy.

"you ready" he asked with a smile. "yeah let me just grab my bag, and room key." i said leaving the door open.

i kept everything packed up just in case i need to leave real fast, it wasnt much. we walked to his bike and rode to "the strip". it felt nice to ride with dean, i felt safe and content. some guys didn't fully know how to ride with someone riding bitch.

we went in and started with some black jack. i got down to my last $100 so i decided i wanted to try some roulette, dice and poker. if my money lasted that long. turns out either im psychic or just really lucky. i mamaged to win $5000 at the roulette tables. i decided to stop the table games after that and we went to the slot machines. i only won $700 from them but that was alright. we cashed out, dean won $3000.

we went to an elvis themed diner, which made me really miss bobby.

"i going go take you back there, that is the most ive ever won." dean said as we ate.

i smiled "me too. it would take me a couple months to make the money i won. thank you for taking me and showing me all the touristy shit around vegas."

"youre welcome jess. im glad i stayed at the diner that one night." i agreed.

we finished eating and decided to park somewhere to watch the sun come up. as it started to come up i decided to tell him who i was and where i was from.

"so im going out of town again." dean told me as he passed me a cigarette.

i nodded not trusting myself from blurting everything out. "im going to California. maybe a few days or a week not sure yet. you gonna be okay alone?" fuck hes going to charming.

"im a big girl dean. i survived in other places without the big bad scary biker as my body gaurd." i jokingly shoved him "ill be fine dont worry. you stay safe."

"i know youre tough, strong and independent but i know how some of those men get at that diner. i know you carry which is shocking most woman dont. ive seen you string a couple guys up when they needed it. i dont doubt you can take care of yourself. just be careful please?"

"okay ill be careful." i nodded

"you gonna be here when i get back." he asked

i looked out on the sky for a minute chewing on my lip. "possibly. ill be honest, if i am it wont be for long. i want to go up north maybe to idaho or oregon." i really plan on going towards kansas, no real reason why. i felt bad lying to him but i knew once he went to charming he would figure out everything and i didnt want to telling them where i am. i wasnt ready to go back home yet.

"why do you run?"

"what? i dont. i just want to travel and try new things."

"you do." "so what if i do? i dont want to be at home right now and this is all i can do. i dont want to be in one place, i want to move." i told him. he nodded "you ever gonna going to tell me about home. you sure youre not in any trouble." i bit my cheek "maybe after you get back from california."

we sat in silence as the sun finished coming up. we rode back to my hotel. he walked me to the door and checled my room. he always done that, i undedstaood why but never said anything.

"im leaving tonight. you call me if you need anything, i dont care what time it is jess. heres a number to a brother of mine in the club thats staying here, you call him if youre in trouble or theres an emergency tell him youre a friend of mine and where you are. be careful while im gone." he hugged me and surprisingly kissed me. fuck. he didnt say anything else before he walked out.

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