chapter 1

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i pulled into a hotel in vegas. i figure i could stay here for a couple weeks before moving on. i needed to be careful i know theres a charter here and if know my dad he has every charter looking for me.

im jessica but everyone calls me JJ or jess. my dad is Tig Trager. i grew up in charming, john teller was my god father and gemma is my god mother, but now its just gemma since JT died. i grew up with jax and opie, we were best friends.

i just turned 19 and ive been on the road for 6 months. i know my dad was sad and probably disspointed that i didnt go home for my birthday but i did call him. i call to let dad know im alright and ill write him letters but i wont tell him where im at or why i left. i always call as im traveling so they cant try and figure out where ive been, i normally send my letter out from a random drop box without a return address.

i know me leaving hurt my dad me but i cant tell him why that would hurt him even more. he would be pissed and my dad mad was never a good thing.

i missed everyone so much, maybe ill go back home one day. but until then im going to enjoy the open road, me and my panhead.

ive been working in random diners or truck stops. no not like a lot lizard or anything i mean waitressing and cooking. at first i just drove around not staying anywhere more than a couple weeks. i drove to arizona away from any charter, the opposite side of the state in fact. i stayed there for a couple months, was starting to get comfortable. i had to leave after happy lowman and another son, ive never seen him, came in at the end of my shift one night. good thing my shift was already over so i cashed out for the night. i changed in the back and left my uniform on the bench in the "break room". i was lucky they didnt see me. i left town that night. luckily the owner paid me daily and i got to keep any tips so i didnt have to wait around for a check.

i went to texas for a couple months after that. i got bored and wanted to ride so again i quit the diner i was working for and just rode.

ive always loved being on a bike. from the time i was big enough dad had me on the back of his. when i was 14 we bought my panhead, i saved all i had for years to get it. we restored it together which was awesome as hell. it was mainly my dad and i who worked on it but ope, jax and chibs helped sometimes too. i knew everything there was to know about bikes. i could tell you a make and model from just the looks unless it was customized, i knew how to build them, obviously, how to work on them and all. thats one thing dad mad me know was how to fix anything that could go wrong before he would let me ride it. for my 16th birthday he handed me the keys. by that time i was just as good of a mechanic and the guys and workers at TM. they all started teaching me how to work on car when i started to walk. okay i may have been a little bit older but you get the idea.

i booked me a room for a week, i paid $5 extra a night to pay cash which i thought was bullshit but i didnt have a credit card and wouldnt use it if i did. i got a job at a 50s diner up the road and tonight was my first shift. these little mom and pop diners seemed to always be hiring which made it pretty easy to keep a steady flow of money in my pocket.

sometimes i wish i brought my jeep so i could atleast sleep in it if i needed to but most of the time id rather sleep on a bench and have my panhead instead of being stuck in a cage.

i took a nap for a few hours before i got ready and walked to the diner. i was two hours into my shift when the same son i seen with happy in arizona walked in, a little after midnight. shit. of course he sat down in my section. i couldnt get out of this like i did last time.

"hello welcome to jesse's can i get you started with a drink?" i asked sitting the menu down in front of him.

he looked up and looked at me for a minute, shit he recognized me.

"hey yeah pepsi." he mumbled but didnt stop looking at me. i nodded with a smile.

i sat his drink and straw on the table "you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?" he ordered a burger with double fries.

i took care of my other tables while his food was being cooked. the booth right next to him was full of drunk guys who left the casinos.

"hey sexy ladyy" one said as i passed out their refills.

"anything else i can get yall" i asked ignoring him. he put his hand on my hip which i moved off immediately

"yeah i need your number. maybe we could have some fun after your shift" he winked

"no thanks. i have a husband. anything else from the diner?" i asked

the only sober-ish one spoke up "no were good. thank you. sorry about him." i smiled and walked away.

i took the son his food. i noticed his patch said vegas, great. ive never seen him well besides in arizona so i hope he had no idea who i was.

"any thing else?" i asked him he shook his head and said no "okay let me know if i can get you anything else."

the drunk guys eventually left. you would think being 3am in Vegas we would stay pretty busy but apparantly the full rush doesnt hit until about 5-6am, theres also one at 12am and 12-1pm. we had a few people who sat at the counter and spread out in the booths. the son was still sitting there.

i asked him if he wanted desert a couple hours ago but he politely declined. but he hasnt made a move to leave. i have kept his drink full. i put another in front of him when the other waitress told me she was going for her break and asked me to cover her tables.

"you want to join me" the son asked but i could hear the touch of demanding.

"im sorry i cant. tonights my first night rather not look lazy. thank you thought."

"you get a break dont you"

"i mean yeah but i have to cover all the tables until she gets back. i appreciate the offer though." i smiled before i checked the other tables.

i stood behind the bar rolling silverware when the son moved to sit in front of me.

"im dean" he smiled

"hello dean im jess."

"you really married or was that just to get that guy off your back." he asked looking at my left hand.

"were not together. but yeah i am married to someone back in my hometown. "

"thats a shame i was hoping to take you out sometime." i smiled at him. "you arent runnin from him are you? he didnt hurt you did he." he asked, i could hear the anger in his voice

"not physically no. runnin not really just traveling. needed some fresh air."

"oh so hes an asshole douchbag than. fresh air is always nice."

i couldnt help but laugh. "asshole douchebag works." i noticed a couple people couple use a top on their coffee "excuse me" i said grabbing the pot of coffee.

i came back and put the empty dishes in the tray, once it was full the cook would wash them. i walked back out and put all the silverware in the bin. some new people came in so i got their drinks and put the food orders in.

mindy came back "you can take your break if you want" she told me

"ill wait till i clear out the tables i just started. i planned to take it closer to 5 but im not to worried if i cant." i told her "oh alright ill get the newbies."

i always hated taking a break before i cleared all my tables, it might be a little selfish but i didnt want anyone else to finish them out and get my tip. i learned real quick people would do that and maybe get the table a refill once and clear the dishes but take the tip.

i finished out my tables, went to grab my crossover bag. i walked outside and dean followed. he even held the door open for me. i thanked him.

i leaned against the wall on the side of the building and lit a cigarette. i offered him one but he pulled his own out.

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