Do I Have Too?

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I haven't seen becky since our date and the tour starts tomorrow and erika and ale haven't been taking my calls or when they do i get an excuse or a lie that they can't talk or becky isn't with them. I ended up calling ollie to see if he will pick up but i called at the wrong time he was already on the phone and i was forward to his voicemail, i didn't know what to do so i texted robert, alex and zach to meet me at the studio that i know becky is there working on a song as well as her full album after she released her ep. Before i headed out i went on twitter looking at becky twitter seeing new tweets the first ones were sad but then got happy


        "@iambeckyg: Guess everything does happen for a reason #notagoodreason

        @iambeckyg: Not going to lie it hurts

        @iambeckyg: But why? all i wanted to know is why?

        @iambeckyg: You showed me your true colors that night and i'll never forget it

        @iambeckyg: Let's all have a catch up my lovely #beasters shall we do a live chat?

  @iambeckyg: oh these two can't stop being silly @mccaffreyerika @jakemiller (it's becky and jake selfies)

        @iambeckyg: okay live chat in 5, erika is leaving to do her stuido time so it's just me and @jakemiller then "this is going to be fun"

        -@jakemiller: hey 10 minutes ago you said you loved me now get off and help me set up! 

        -@iambeckyg: of course i love you, you goofhead! you were there when i needed you that one day, but i'm too lazy too

        -@jakemiller: you're so lazy fine, but erika said she had ordered us lunch she's bringing it when it gets here, now come sit by me we're almost on, love you too :)"

 After reading those tweets i couldn't help but feel so jealous is she dating jake miller now, him and his girlfriend broke up four months ago from separated for too long, once i got into my car i put my phone in it's holder and bluetooth it to my car to call alex. About twenty minutes away alex was telling me what becky and jake were doing on the live chat from jake twitter, one of the fans dared them to do a staring contest and the loser has to tweet about the winner for two days on how awesome the winner is every hour. Once i got to the studio i ran into where the boys where at and zach had his laptop on the livestream and i seen becky eyes wide open and then leaning forward to hold herself up with her elbows on the table and jake did the same thing, it went on for thirty minutes till jake lost and becky got up and celebrate and ended up tripping and falling into jake and they landed on the couch with becky on top, they look like they were leaning in but i couldn't tell till i heard and seen erika pop up in the screen.

        "Erika: what a clumsy girl now come and eat before i give your food to the baby

        Becky/Jake: you wouldn't!

        Erika: oh i would, hmmm did i miss something before i got into here?

        Becky: i have no idea what you're talking about

        Erika: sure while you eat answer some questions then jake you have to go first while you do your part becky can take over then yous switch and then were done for today and then becky you start tour with austin tomorrow but since jake cleared his schedule he's coming with me and ale and ollie 

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