Chaos(Good & Bad)

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These chapters are pre-made so they'll be all ready for their update days

Also update days are up in my bio!



The next morning i woke up smiling but i felt a body pressed against me and i looked down to my waist seeing an arm drapped across my waist, i turned my head a bit to see austin still asleep making me smile and turn around so i was facing him and i cuddle more into him and dozing back off to sleep feeling like nothing can make this day any better, me and austin made up and he kissed me and i love him there's no way not giving this a second chance me and austin wanted this to work out this time but i have no idea how to do something without it getting ruined by camila but austin was right we're on tour and she's not here to mess it up. While snuggling up closer to austin i felt his arms tighten around my waist pulling me as close as possible and i went back to bed.

        "Jake: ssh be quiet this is too cute

        Erika: before we wake them up let's take photos of them

        Ale: and post them so the beasters and the mahomies can have some becstin

        Austin/Becky: shut up we're trying sleep

        Jake: i got that on video! i got that on video! so if you say you didn't say that i have proof

        *becky throws a pillow*

        Erika: nice throw becky but we're here to wake you too lazy bums up so we can have lunch and head to rehearsals

        Austin/Becky: what time is it?

        Ale: this time i got it on video and it's 11 o'clock now get up and get ready we have a concert tonight to get ready for

        Erika: now i thought i was the mother like one here

        Austin: fine but becky get's ready in my room

        Jake: fine by us erika and ale picked an outfit out for lunch then we can shop a little and then head to start rehearsals but yous have six minutes to get ready no funny business

        Becky: now i really hate you

        Erika/Jake/Ale: bye! meet us in the lobby!!

        Becky: let's get ready erika will drag us out if we're not down in six

        Austin: but first i wanna do this *kisses becky*

        Becky: morning kisses now let's get ready before they think we're doing something

        Austin: that's true erika will want us together before we do anything like that"

After me and austin finished getting ready we started to leave but austin pulled me back and turned me around to kiss me one last time before we go to meet the others down in the lobby for lunch and a little shopping time, while we we're in the elevator austin kept stealing kisses and holding my hand. Once we got to the lobby erika and jake where the only ones we seen and i seen erika nudging jake and they both smirk at me and austin causing us to look at each other confused but we we're soon dragged away with jake and erika pulling us telling us ale had to go back to la to help the janoskians with some events.

After lunch we went shopping and after twenty minutes of me and austin talking about tour we heard erika giggling and jake laughing to loud, when i looked up i seen erika and jake running away holding hands making sure they leave us, great these two had this plan the whole time and i shook my head nudging austin and seen he caught erika and jake running off to where the car was parked and took off making me gasped they left us here and we had to be at rehearsals in an hour. Just before i took my phone austin took and put it in his pocket and grabbed my hand and started to run to where the beach was at. When me and austin got there we were surrounded by fans in less than two seconds making me and austin smile and laugh our beasters and mahomies knows how to find us quick. After meeting and taking pictures and signing for all of them austin told them we wanted to have some fun and relax before heading to rehearsals.


After laying in the sand i decieded to pull becky up and take our shoes off and walked along the sand just talking and talking about this second chance. I noticed the beach was quite empty so i took becky hand. 

        "Becky: this is really nice and this looks beautiful

        Austin: it is i don't want this to end, not as beautiful as you

        Becky: cheesy boy *turns to face austin*

        Austin: only cheesy for you *leans in to kiss becky*

        Camila: AUSTIN!!!! Baby i found you!!

        Becky: baby? austin?

      Austin: i have no idea what's she's on about and i didn't even text her i don't talk to her after what she done

      Camila: austin babe you haven't took any of my calls or messages what's going on

        Becky: *backs up to text erika and jake* i'll let yous two talk i need to get my shoes

        Austin: becky wait up, camila just leave and me not taking any of your calls or messages was for a reason

        Becky: erika and jake are here we have to go austin *grabs austin hand*

        Austin: *smiles* yeah let's go

        Becky: last one to make it to jake car has to do whatever the winner says hm for the rest of the tour

        Austin: oh you're so on

        Camila: austin! hello your girlfriend here

        Becky: 1,2

        Austin: 3

        Camila: AUSTIN!!!!!!!!"

After loosing against to becky on running to jake car heading off to rehearsals she made me carry her out the car and into the arena but i didn't mind but doing what she says till tour finishes she might even make me wear a butler's outfit but i won't mind as long as i'm close with the girl i like even love.

After tonight concert me and becky went to meet fans like always but she wanted a piggyback ride and all the beasters and mahomies were screaming out becstin and kept asking why am i giving her a piggyback ride and doing whatever she said and i told them and they laughed i love the beasters and mahomies they get along so much better and want me and becky to date and i wouldn't mind either but when we went back inside to wait for the tour bus to get here to orlando but once we got back in camila was waiting right there she pulled me away from becky but before she could say or do anything erika said the bus was here and i rushed to her said grabbed her hand and ran back to where becky was with jake and grabbed becky and told them to run since alex, zach and robert where probably on the bus already. This girl needs to stop i don't want anything to come between me and becky again especially when becky birthday is coming up.


Yayyyyyy updates but i promise becstin is going to happen

Update dates are in bio just a reminder

Don't forget to vote & add please! xxxxxxxx

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