Great Date Gone Wrong (PART 2)

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I couldn't believe it i was going on a date with the girl i love, there's nothing that can ruin this date no one or no one can i just love this girl too much. While we were on our way to the theaters can't get enough came on and becky got all excited, i'm so proud of how far she got and i'm hoping she will let me be by her side through everything else as her boyfriend. I glanced over at becky while she's singing along to her own song a smile appeared on my face, once we were at the parking for the movie i waited till the song was over. When the song ended i hurried to her side and helped her out of the car, i grabbed her hand and we made our way into the theater. We we got our tickets to see ouculus(the movie about that mirror, wasn't scary for me but yeah)we went to popcorn candy and soda. Once we found theater 9 we decided to sit at the very top. Five minutes into the trailers becky excused herself to go to the bathroom, i asked her if she wanted me to go and wait for her but she said she'll be back before she left i pulled her back and kissed her on the lips for just a minute, once i pulled back i seen this big grin on her face as she walked away smiling and kept looking back at me. Finally austin i did want i've been wanting to do for years, i smiled and sat back down and went on twitter, when five girls came into the theather i thought they looked filmilar but i just shrugged it off because i was just happy i just kissed becky and we both felt the sparks.

        "@AustinMahone: Tonight is going to be a great night! Nothing or no one can ruin this for me! Love you all of my #mahomies hope you all have a great night!"

After i tweeted i felt someone walking over to me i thought it was becky so i looked up and smile but soon my smile dropped and turn into a smug grimace she sat where becky was sitting minutes ago i grimaced even more, but before i could even say anything her lips came crashing down on mine and i pushed and tried to move her away from me but i couldn't even for someone as tiny as her she had some strength if i couldn't shove her away, when she let her grip loosen i slightly shoved her i stood up and ran out as fast as i could i waited for becky so we could just leave, but after nearly eight minutes i started to get worried about her, i texted her and even called her but it went straight to voice mail i guessed she turned it off in advanced before the movie, i sighed and went to sit on the nerby bench so i can wait for her.


I can't believe he just kissed me. After checking my makeup and hair while taking a few selfies i put more lip gloss on since austin had most of it on his lips, i laughed while grabbing my bag and headed back to austin. While heading back i seen five girls heading where i was when i noticed one of them looked filmilar i gasped, it was camila, mani, dinah, ally and lauren, while camila was the only one who looked happy the girls just shooked their heads in annoyance and have her a mad look. I quickly ran into theather nine and to my surprise camila seen me and got up and walked over to austin and she kissed him, it looked like austin was trying to find a place to place his hands, tears were flowing i ran out of there as fast as i could but before i did i seen mani, ally, laruen and dinah give me a sorry look. When i was outside of the theather i had no choice to call someone to pick me up.

        "Becky: *sniffles* hey could yous pick me up now please *sniffles*, yeah okay i'll be here, thank you, love you too"

I sat waiting for ten minutes till i saw a filmilar black range rover i got up and got into the car. There was no way i'm forgetting this ever and camila going to keep making me remember it.....

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