Chapter 3: Unwelcome Teamate Nine

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                       Chapter 3: Unwelcome Teammate Nine

Needless to say, Syoran was very surprised when I jumped into his arms, shivering. “ They’re evil…” I muttered, “evil…”

“Well it’s good to see you too, Spirit,” he said, receiving my ball from Nurse Joy with a grateful nod.

“Evil…” I muttered again.

“Wow, you’re pretty light for a Pokémon your size,” Syoran observed, carrying me into a sparsely but comfortably furnished room with a bed, a table, and a few chairs, “You been eating enough lately?” A few other Pokémon were already there, waiting for Syoran, no doubt. He set me down and I attempted to regain my air of disinterested disdain. I straightened my fur and yawned, exposing my razor sharp teeth, clearly saying, ‘don’t mess with me!’ to the other Pokémon. Syoran didn’t notice, but they did. And they were not happy about it either.

Syoran knelt down beside me. “Spirit, meet Nine, Z, Psi, and Rio,” he said. I almost burst out laughing. What original names. There was Nine, the Ninetales who was to blame for me getting caught. Z was a Zangoose who didn’t take kindly to my show of implied aggression. Psi was a very sleepy-looking Abra. And Rio was a Riolu trying (and failing) to interest Psi in a berry.

“Rio,” Syoran sighed, “I told you, Psi can’t eat berries yet. He’s not old enough.” He pulled out a bottle filled with milk. “Come here, Psi.” The Abra teleported suddenly into Syoran’s arms and he stuck the bottle in his mouth. Psi began sucking eagerly, clutching it in his hands.

Meanwhile, the others began to approach me. “Hi! I’m Rio!” the Riolu said brightly, sticking out a paw like a human handshake. I scowled at it and he withdrew it awkwardly.

“So I heard,” I said after a moment in a measured voice designed to communicate a restrained amount of irritation, “What an original one too. Your trainer must be very creative.” Rio looked genuinely hurt.

“Hey!” Nine snapped, stepping in front of him, “Don’t insult Syoran! He’s your Trainer too!” I growled warningly.

“Don’t remind me!” I snarled viciously, “It’s your fault too! If you hadn’t told him where I was, I’d still be free!”

“You wanna taste my Fire Blast again?” she growled.

“Try me!” I barked.

“Hey!” Syoran called, looking at us questioningly, “What are you all doing?” We looked at him incredulously. Wasn’t it obvious? Or was that a trick question? “Nine, be nice. Spirit, you too.”

“Yeah right,” I scoffed, “Like I’d be nice to the idiot who got me…”

“Spirit!” Syoran snapped, glaring at me, “nice.” Nine glanced smugly at me. I was a bit disgruntled, but not ready to give in yet.

A Spirit's Journey (Pokemon Watty Awards 2014 3rd Place Winner: Adventure)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat