Big Brother. (Part II)

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Tony sat in the lab. His eyes were red and sunken in from crying and not eating for two whole weeks.

Dark bags had appeared under his eyes, caused by the lack of sleep.
Tony was holding Peter's suit, crimson blood still coating the chest when FRIDAY alerted him of visitors.

Tony didn't respond until he heard knocking on the door.
"Tony? Please come out. It's me, Pepper."

Tony stood up, joints cracking as he made his way over to the door.

When he opened the door he came face to face with his wife, who looked at him with concern and deeply saddened eyes.

She engulved him into a hug, rubbing his back. Tony snuggled his nose into her neck, sniffing the familiar smell of her lavender perfume.

"Come Tony, you need to eat, shower."
Pepper hesitated for a second.
"And Morgan misses you."

The genius lifted his head at Pepper, nodding in agreement and bowing his head again.

After a shower and a good meal, Tony was ready to see his daughter.

Walking over to the lounge he was greeted by all the other Avengers. Natasha-I-do-not-cry Romanoff nearly tackled Tony to the floor in a crushing hug with tear stained cheeks.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and guided him towards the other side of the room where a little girl, aged 5 was quietly colouring a picture of a fairy and a butterfly.

The girl lifted her head.
When she saw the man her eyes sparkled with joy. With a "Daddy!" She quickly scrambled to her feet and jumped into his arms.

The billionaire wrapped his arms around his daughter and cuddled her close. This was the happiest he had felt in two weeks.

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