Meeting vision

Depuis le début

I put the forks and knives down. And put down napkins, knowing this might get messy.

I smiled at vision, "you can take a seat, it's going to get pretty wild down here when they come down", I said. He nodded understanding. He sat down at the end of the table.

"Friday?", I asked the women's voice in the ceiling. "Yes miss Chloe?", she asked me.

"Can you wake up everyone please? Tell them breakfast is ready", I said.

"Right away miss Chloe", she said. I knew she was going to put on a loud alarm. But it was nearly almost ten in the morning. It was breakfast time.

I started to clean the mess, as I moved my hips, and then i finally heard the sound of footsteps coming down, I could hear tony complaining at Friday for waking him up. I smiled and grabbed his mug. I watched as he was the first to enter. I smiled and pecked his lips. "Goodmorning tones", I said to him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled back but gave my lips multiple pecks. "Goodmorning baby girl", he said to me. I smiled again and kissed his stubbled chin. "I made your coffee just how you like it", I said.

"I don't think I want the coffee", he said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, "take your coffee, and go eat", I said sternly. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Yes ma'am", he said as he gently took the mug out of my hands.

The next was Bruce. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. He pecked my lips. "Goodmorning Annie", he said as he pulled away from my lips. I smiled and pecked his lips multiple times. "Goodmorning Bruce", I said sweetly. I kissed him again. "Now go eat", I said. He smiled. "Thank you for breakfast Annie", he told me. I smiled. "It's no problem", I said smiling. I watched as he sat down.

Then it was Steve and buckys turn

They smiled at me, they wrapped they're arms around my small waist. "Goodmorning Chloe", Steve said. "Goodmorning doll", Bucky said. I smiled at them, and pecked they're lips. I'm glad I brushed my teeth.

"Now go eat, you guys are big and strong soldiers, go eat", I said sternly. They chuckled and smiled. "Yes ma'am", they said. I pecked they're lips once more and watched as they went and sat down.

Then it was of course pietros turn.

"Goodmorning my love", he said as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I pecked his lips. "Goodmorning Piet, I hope your hungry", I said smiling up at him.

He smirked at me. "I'm starving, but not for Food", he said as he started to kiss up and down my cheek.

I giggled. I grabbed the back of his head and gave him a passionate and love filled kiss. I pulled away after a minute to see him in a trance. "How's that?", I said smirking. He had a goofy smile on his face.

"Awesome", he said as he went to sit down. I smiled and shook my head.

And then it was Clint's turn.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Did you have fun last night baby?", he asked me. I smiled, "I had a amazing time", I said. He smiled at me. "I'm glad you had a good time, all I want is your happiness", he said.

I pecked his lips lightly. "And I am, I'm happy, and I love you", I said.

He smiled down at me. "And I love you baby", he said as he pecked my lips. I hummed into the kiss.

He pulled back. "I'm sorry baby, but that smells so good", he said as he went to sit down. I giggled as I saw him immediately dig in. His mouth full, he moaned at the taste. I giggled again.

Then it was peters turn.

His arms wrapped themselves around me. "Goodmorning Chlo", he said. I smiled and softly pecked his lips. "Goodmorning spider babe", I said giggling. He chuckled at the nickname.

"I love you", he said. "And I love you", I said smiling at him. I ran my fingers through his hair. "I made your favorite", I said. His eyes lit up. "Bacon!", he yelled happily as he made his way to the table. I swear, he acts a child, but he's my man child. He had the appetite of a bear.

Then it was Wanda's and Nats turn.

They smiled at me. They wrapped themselves around me. "So how was last night?", they asked me.

I smiled and giggled a little. "Still a little sore", I whispered to them. They both laughed. "Well your going to be sore for awhile, especially since it was your first time", nat said. I just blushed.

Wanda kissed my blushing cheek. "Your so cute vhen you blush my love", she said to me, which made me only blush more.

"I hope you guys are hungry, I think I made more then I should've", I said.

"It smells great, like it always does, thank you for making us breakfast моя любовь", nat said.

She kissed my cheek before walking over to the table. Wanda kissed my cheek. "She's right, it smells heavenly my love, I'm sure once I taste it, I will be in heaven", she said. She kissed my cheek again before going to sit down.

Then it was Thor's turn.

He picked me up and swong me around. He boomed with laughter. "The feast that you have prepared smells delicious my princess, thank you for this delicious smelling feast", he said as he put me down and kissed my knuckles. Awww. He's so adorable.

"Go eat hun, I know your hungry", I told him. He smiled before going to sit down at the table.

And then it was Loki's turn.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Goodmorning", I said softly. He smiled down at me lovingly. "Goodmorning my queen", he said as he wrapped his arms around me. I placed my lips on his, and we shared a passionate kiss. I ran my fingers through his hair. I heard a couple of wolf whistles. I blushed as we pulled apart. I looked at his neck, to see that he had love bites all over his neck. I nuzzled against his neck, purring lightly. I nipped gently. I ran my hand up and down the back of his neck. "Last night was amazing", I whispered to him. His hands went up and down my back. "You were just as amazing my queen", he whispered to me. I smiled and kissed his neck.

"Now go eat, my king, I know you pack a appetite, especially after last night", I said winking at him. He smiled and pecked my forehead. "Thank you for the feast my love", he whispered to me. I just smiled and kissed his chin. I watched as he made his way towards the table.

And then it was mom and dads turn.

I gave them a hug. Mom pulled away. She had a huge smile on her face. "So how was it my big girl? Was it magical?", she asked me. I blushed knowing what she meant. "It's everything I've ever dreamed of, it was perfect", I said. She giggled and pinched my cheeks. "Just don't go giving me grand babies just yet Chloe", she said as she laughed and went to go sit down. I blushed. "Mom!", I yelled at her. But she just laughed and sat down.

"She's right Chloe, no grand babies yet", dad said with a smile on his face. I blushed even more. "Dad!", i said embarrassed. He chuckled and hugged me tightly. "Now let's go eat the amazing food you prepared for us", he said. I nodded and followed him. I sat next to tony and Loki. Watching as everyone already dug in. Most of them seemed like they were in love, I mean what the? Still? How? It can't even be that good. Yeah I put some extra spice in it, but it can't be that good.

I started to eat, mmm, I was starving.

"I see you met vision", Steve said. I smiled. "Yeah, he almost made me drop my biscuits, he scared the crap out of me", I said giggling a little.

They all laughed. "That's vision for you, he doesn't care much for doors, or for knocking", tony said.

I laughed and raised a eyebrow. "I can see that", I said. They all laughed again.

If I wake up to this, then I'm living the good life. This was my family, and I couldn't ask for more. I had the perfect life.

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