The long awaited stuff!

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Master: Is everyone feeling better? Little Mac?

Mac: I'm good now, thanks.

Ryu: That is good to hear, I am glad.

Sonic: Man, things sure have been going slow, the only eventful thing that happened was Samus and Snake breaking up.

Snake: We decided to remain, best of friends for a while.

Samus: Yes, and we better not catch anyone prying into why.

Pit: O-okay...

Dedede: So, what now? Whaddya miss?

Master: Quite a lot actually. Isabelle, please gather everyone, we have some videos to show.

Isabelle: Okay sir!


Mario: What has-a happened Master Hand?

Master: A lot of things, now-

Crazy: REACT TO THESE NOW!!!!!!!!!!! *Dumps videos*

Master: Brother for goodness sake!

After watching...


Byleth: A-are you all alright?

Chrom: N-no we are not!!!!!!!!

sans: heh, sup

Pit, Sonic, Gunner, Brawler (originally Brawlist), Banjo, Dedede and Terry: IT'S SANS!!!!!!

Swordfighter: B-b-b-Byleth-Sama!! *Faints*

Fyleth (Fem Byleth): Is he alright?

Mac: I don't think anyone is okay...

Cuphead: Well, we're here now! I wonder if Mugs will be able to visit me.

Kirby: Hai!

Vault: *Happily waves*

Brawler: Hey wait a minute, how come you get all the great costumes?! No fair...

Gunner: Heheh, sorry Brawler!

Swordfighter: That... Isn't very fair... I always get the bad ones...

Rosalina: I'm sure you'll have your own cool costume soon.

Min Min: I still can't believe I made it...

Daisy: Well, welcome aboard to Smash! You guys are always welcomed here!

Robyn: Yes, and this place is kind of like a family here.

Min Min: I see, that's nice, thank you. *Smiles*

Wild: Man, so much has happened. Mario's birthday, a prequel to my game, Pikmin 3, what's next? An indie game character as a playable character and not as a mii costume?

Crazy: . . .

Luigi: Oh no...

Joker: Oh no what?

Falcon: If Crazy Hand is silent, then that isn't good...

Master: Well, there is a reason for that.

Luminary: Which is?

Master: A new trailer revealing the next DLC fighter has been released just recently, please take a look.


Dimentio: Oh, the plumber is fighting all by himself!

Luigi: WAHHH!!!!

Peach: You're still here?!

Magalor: We have one more day to spend so we're using it here. That black and red hedgehog already left.

Alucard: I alongside the spider am also here too.

Ryuji: Us too!

Sonic: Wait, I remember this! Didn't I accidentally throw you off the map so hard we broke the game walls?

Mario: *Laughing*

Sonic: Hey it's not funny!

Mario: Ah, no son. I'm-a not laughing at you, I-a know who's coming.

Bowser: YOU DO?!?!?!?! WHO?!?!?!?!

Sonic: Wait did you just call me-


Pit: HOLD UP!!!!!!!

Kazooie: I know that noise!

Jr: No WAY!!!!

Snake: What is it?

Sonic: Where did you end up in?

Makoto: What is that place? A palace?

Wild: I did not just predict something, did I?

Young: Is it who I think it is?


Almost everyone: *Screaming and freaking out*

Cuphead: OH BROKEN CERAMICS NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryuji: IS THIS FER REAL?!?!?!?!?

Akechi: Well, there goes my hearing for about a week...

Wild: I WAS RIGHT?!?!?!?!

Steve: Hello.

sans: welcome, prepare for screams

Pit: L-lady Palutena it's him!! IT'S HIM!!!!!!!!!

Orange and Blue: He's here!!!!!!!

Mario: Hello Steve!

Steve: *Waves*

Wild: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?!?!?!

Link and Toon: HOW DID YOU PREDICT THIS?!?!?!?!?!

Wild: I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex: Is this normal?

More hype screaming intensifies because this is the hypest thing everyone thought it would not happen but it did, thank you Sakurai but at the same time oh gosh what have you done you broke the internet a third time again you even broke Twitter how powerful are you-


Master: Is everyone calmed down now? Especially you brother.

Crazy: *In the time-out corner* Hmph!

Master: Alright then, everyone. Steve, Alex, Zombie and Enderman are now officially part of the Smash roster. Please do not leave Zombie out on the sun or place water and ink near Enderman.

Orange: Got it!

Blue: Nyes!

Master: Well, we are here. Note that we unfortunately are not officially back due to the author going through personal problems and having a busy schedule but we wanted to give you all this upon seeing this character's release. Thank you for your patience, I hope you enjoyed.

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