Mexa Knight's here!

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Dedede: Carrying Kirby and slid to under the table

Ganondorf: What in Hyrule...

Bowser: What gives D?

Dedede: You gotta hide!

Lucas: Hide?!

Ness: Why?

Dedede: It's Meta Knight...

Ike: What did you do this time?

Kirby: It's not what he did, it's what Meta Knight did!

Marth: What did Meta Knight do?

Dedede: He's in his Mexican phase...

Mexa Knight: Bursts in Hola amigos. I am Mexa Knight.

Dark Pit: Uh, what?

Bowser: You're afraid of THAT?! That's a laugh.

Mexa Knight: Chancla attack! Hits Bowser with a la chancla

Bowser: Falls flat on the ground OW!!! How did-

Corrin: I think we really should take King Dedede's advice.

Ganondorf: Pfft! As if a puny thing like him can do actual damage!

Mexa Knight: Ha! You've been a bad person, now la chancla will teach you to behave! Attacks Ganondorf

Ganondorf: HEY!!! Get off!

Megaman: I am now scared.

Samus: Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

Ganondorf: K.Oed

Robin: It would be wise to hide.

Link: Yeah.

Meta Knight: There you are.

Toon: Wha?!

Mario: Two Meta Knights?!

Master: Yes, my brother got this Meta Knight from another dimension.

Crazy: FIESTA!!!!!!

Mexa Knight: Hola Meta Knight, good to see you again.

Zelda: Again?

Meta Knight: Of course. I keep in touch with my other counterparts, except for Dark Meta Knight and Mecha Knight.

Mexa Knight: They are bad people.

Dedede: Comes out of the table So you didn't went into your Mexican phase?

Meta Knight: Why do you assume that I had a Mexican phase?

Kirby: Um...

Mexa Knight: May I please return back home?

Master: Right, right, follow me. Leads Mexa Knight out

Bowser: That was something...

Luigi: Uh, ask or dare?

Falcon: What're we gonna do with Ganon?

Link: Leave him.

Wild: Ok?

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