The final Smash Direct!

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Master: Everyone, this is the final Smash Direct before the release of the game where you'll be able to go through many things as well as, well I don't want to spoil it.

Pit: Who-hoo! I can't wait!

Ness: We got the snacks ready!

Isabelle: I'm so excited!

Nana: Wait, if you guys are here than who's watching over the town?

Villager: . . .

Isabelle: We agreed for Tom Nook to do it.

Popo: Okay!


Ganondorf: Skip all of that, let's get to the good stuff!

Dark Pit: Yeah.

Young: It'll come soon, don't worry!

Wii: Nods

Pit: Sakurai-San!

Crazy: WHOO!!!!!!


Lucas: This is it!

Richter: What is this place exactly?

Mac: That's my stage! I know who the fighters are!

Toon: Then tell us!

Megaman: From Little Mac and his stage here it must be a brawler.

Bayonetta: About time Nintendo adds more flavour to these matches.

Palutena: Oo, that must've hurt.

Ryu: Wait a moment, that hand...

Mac: You're gonna love this Ryu!


Ryu: Ken?!

Ken: Hey there Ryu!

Ryu: You're here! How-

Ike: You have Sakurai-San and the fans to thank for.

Bowser: Finally more heavy hitters!

Link: Hey, don't touch Zelda!

Wild: Come on Link take it easy...

Snake: Wait a minute, who's that?

Ken: Oh...

Mac: Yeah, we know who that is.

Robin: You were sent flying my friend.

Mac: Yeah and it hurt.

Ken: Sorry.


Trainer: Eyes widened upon realisation

Lucario: That's-

Snake: Incineroar?!

Incineroar: RRRWWWOOOAAAALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

Mewtwo: It looks like the Alolan representative has been decided.

Olimar: Wait, weren't people hoping for that Decidueye.

Wild: To be honest, he would've been the same as Toon Link and I.

Toon: Yep!

Marth: What a powerful final smash!

Ken: Now I got flung out...

Simon: I am not trusting that monster.

Richter: Not again...

Orange: Aw, look at the little guy!

Ask or dare Super Smash Bros Ultimate!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora