quidditch or not

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(jamies pov)

I woke to be alone in my bed, next to me still warm teddy hadn't left to long ago i suspect to go get dressed, i waited for  Madam Pomfrey to come in for the morning, she re-wrapped my bandages and put a protective charm on my fractured ribs, when i asked if anyone had been in to visit she did she told me that Alice and teddy had left just 20 minutes ago, once all checked up i was allowed to leave for breakfast, when i got there not teddy or Alice were there, and a matter as of a fact no one was there.

i sat down by myself next to some other Gryffindors. ten minutes later all of my cousins walked in together along with teddy, Alice and the Slytherins (Marcus, Peggy, Iris, Albus and Scorp don't worry i didn't forget our fave Slytherins). of course i thought nothing of it at the time, and just went on with eating my breakfast, "morning Jamie" i turned around at the touch of a hand on my shoulder "morning Freddy" "how is everyone mornings?" i asked and no one answered, instead vic asked me how i was feeling "I'm a little sore, and my ribs aren't fully healed" i looked over at teddy who was going hairs going red, he only does that when he's mad, no one expects to see a Hufflepuff mad but he's very protective over all of us "are you ok mols?" "huh, oh, yeah I'm fine" she's not acting like herself, no one is, teddys mad and molly looks like she could kill anyone in an instant and the twins are quiet, i won't push it to incase it's nothing. There was a small silence, but then teddy got up, "i have to go sit at the teacher's table, I'll see you guys again before you have to go?".

(Mollys pov)

he could notice something was up, i was trying to conceal it, we were all fine until Jamie mentioned his broken ribs, teddy passed a note under the table and i passed it on after reading it, nodded in teddys direction and he walked off to the teachers table, everything is set, its only a matter of time.

(jamies pov)

Teddy left, Molls was acting weird and everyone else is strangely quiet. I asked why but everyone brushed it off but somethings up I can feel it I went to ask again but I feel as if it would be pushing it, after all, it could just be nothing. 

after a while, a quiet conversation started back up  mostly about quidditch and how were all settling back into school, "i can't wait till i can try out for the team next year" rose was practically bouncing off the walls when we started talking about tryouts, i told rose and the rest of our little group that i was thinking about trying out as a chaser again, Freddy said he was going to try out as well then the twins spoke up and assured us that we should get on the team "don't worry boys - lorc said - we'll get in easly" lys finished his sentence.

The twins have been on the team science second year with us as beaters, last year Gryffindor won the house cup it was awesome and there was a party for all the team, anyway, the conversation continued until Scorpius and Al came over to our table, all of Gryffindor looked a little-discussed at the two Slytherins at the Gryffindor table but the two boys were gone in a matter of minutes they came as 2 but left with 3, when Louis left from the table he had this look on his face a look you only see on two occasions the first one being when he plays quidditch and the other is.....oh no what are those boys getting into, like me Louis has a reputation, despite his age.. lets just say said reputation gets him in trouble.

(Louis pov)

you see i have a small reputation of getting in trouble..., you see my mothers a french and my dads Weasley im a natural beacon for trouble, trouble with the guys' and trouble with the ladies how can i describe myself more the type of trouble but to put it im muggle terms wash my mouth out with soap, a "hoe" I like to think im a gentleman.

Anyway back to the trouble, the boys came over to get me right on time, ohh boy do we have something planned, anyway im going to do my worse a few years back someone pushed Peggy down some stairs said it was because shes death-eater scum it was only 3 steps but still their a part of our family you don't hurt my family, the boy was later found stuck in the same corridor stuck on the wall with pink hair and in his underpants left with him was a note and of course my mark on the wall, simple but got the message out "don't mess with my family".

(albus pov)

We told Peggy Iris and Marc the plan last night since they got here late, caught them up on the plan and they've decided to help i quote there reactions to the situation "THOSE BITCHES HURT MY FAMILY" they all yelled at once 

(the triplets pov)

we arrived late due to family reasons but were here now and boy did we miss some shit, on the first-day everyone was sorted on the second al and scorp got into a fight that Jamie and  teddy had to save them from teddy went to the hospital wing due tho the fight then Jamie and ted weren't talking to each other, then Jamie got beat up and put in the hospital wing now were planing war

when al and scorp told us the problem we were raging, only seeing red. 

"Triplet speak"

"How could someone do this to Jamie"

"i don't know but when i get my hands on them"

"ohh their not going to live to see another day"

"ok, so the plan is..."


... "We love it" we all spoke together

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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