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He were at it again... Flirting with some sluts and even kissing them! He knew I hated the way other girls look at him like some kind of meat, HE KNEW I HATED IT WHEN SOME WHORES ARE EVEN TALKING TO HIM!

He knew that... But still haven't even considered my feelings.

Why can't he just love me like I love him? Why can't just give me affections just like the sluts he's talking to? Why can't I? Am I that... Hideous enough for him to not notice me? To turn blind eye when I see him making out with someone else?

'you aren't good enough thats why'

'you know why? It's because he doesn't want that hideous face of yours'

'why cant you just vanish? Try killing yourself'

'you are worthless'

'you are no one'

'he doesn't even care for you'

As time passes... I'm still loving you thus, I started changing myself so you would notice me and it did...

I finally have your attention

- Her

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