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"Her diagnosis is multipersonality disorder"

My parents gasped. I was playing with the South African dolly on Mr Pete's table. Her pretty beads were a blur of red and green hues  and her dress out of some plush material I was too young to know the name of.

"Calm down now. She only has two personalities, and it seems like it's going to be that way forever but, I can't be sure till she turns 18. " He took a pause and adjusted his glasses.

" Also, I can't be sure, but her disorder is pretty mild compared to others just like bipolar disorder but a bit more complex. She can remember things that happen during the previous personality in her recent personality.

Her alter ego only shows when provoked. Like when she feels very strong emotions like anger, embarrassment, occasionally love.
Universe is a sweet girl and an introvert but her alter ego is way more outgoing and confident"

Mama looked distraught. "Is there any way to, you know, cure it?"

The doctor looked at her sternly

"Mrs Lee Dan Oh, I need you to know that this is not a disease and don't make her feel like it is. Her condition can only get easier to  control and mange but that's who she is"

Oma started to cry. "I just want her to be normal."

My father whispered something in Korean into her ear.  My Korean isnt fluent but I caught faintly the word embarrassing.

I finally said something " Doctor Pete, does this mean that I can't go to a normal school and do normal things?"

"No babygirl. You're special."

I started to feel panicked.

I don't want to be special. I just want to be normal.

It was suffocating. It was like the walls were closing in on me. Voices faded out. The string was slowly pulling and pulling - till I snapped.

I stood up and shouted " I WANT TO BE NORMAL!" I flung the dolly to the ground and the pretty beads scatter to the floor.

Oma is crying.

Father  is shocked.

Dr Pete is annoyed.

I run out.

 Moments Of MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now