☆How You Met~☆

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You two were at a Junior Woodchuck meeting and were paired together as partners for something. You chatted for a while before becoming friends!

You were at Funzo's Funzone when you two met. You were hanging out in the ball pit when you spotted him asking for a free water cup, and then pouring the slushie/Fruitpunch(?)
You climbed out and told him to stop, and he just chuckled and invited you to sit down. And got your number. He's pretty smooth ya know!

Dewey was adventuring in the park when you guys met. You were sitting in a tree, but the branch broke. You were pretty high up, and if you hit the ground you'd break a few bones.
But Dewey grabbed your arm and yelled, "Dewey ex machina!"

You were at Mount Neverest, and you joined Scrooge and them(With your parent's permission of course) and just chatted with her and Dewey. Then you revealed that you luved in Duckburg.

You were wandering around when you found her bottles. You raced over, worried. Then you found her, and scolded her for playing a game like that. She just snorted and teased you.

You were at the library, reading about vampire. She just sat beside you with a book about magic and you two read in silence.
"I'm Violet."
"I'm (Y/N)."

He was trying to grocery shop, and wasn't having any luck finding a plumber. You just handed him the one you were about to buy and smiled. He smiled back calmly before leaving.

You were working at a cafe when you saw him walk in. You two chatted casually as he waited for his coffee.
"Ready for a magic trick? Give me your phone, and I'll make my number appear."
And you gave him your phone, giggling hysterically.
You guys texted a lot that day!

You met when you were lost at sea after your ship crashed. You were freaking out when you saw Mitsy, and he sat on her head.
"Are you okay," he called out to you.
"Uh. No."
He helped you up and gave you his coat thingie. You two just sat there talking.

You were strolling down the street when he crashed right infront of you.
You screeched and backed up, horrified. He apologized to you, and you smiled a bit. And then you saw his Darkwing bobblehead.
"You like Darkwing Duck!"
"Yeah! You do too?"

You were hired by Scrooge to help Gyro and Fenton.
You two just talked, and had very similar interests.

Same as above, except you had to stay with him and his M'Ma.

You were related to Goldie, and you two met during the whole Rockerduck fiasco.

You, him, and Beakley were all hired together, and you two started chatting while cleaning.

You made a deal with her, to help Lena get the dime. You two chatted, and you found that she wasn't pure evil. She had a heart, she just never showed it.

You two were childhood friends, and you were constantly at his side.

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