Chapter 10

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"Sasuke please It was just a joke" Sakura texted.
"Get over It Sakura...were over" Sasuke texted back.
"Told you she was no good" Itachi said
"Yeah Whatever" he mumbled
"Well I guess now your a free man" Itachi said with a smile
"What is that supposed to mean?!"
"Well Sakura did make you do like everything for her correct? Or at least with her" the long haired raven said
"Well Yeah.." sasuke said "I didn't think to much about it though..." he sighed
"Well you can catch up with Naruto now eh?" Itachi said
"Yeah sure.." sasuke said

Once Sasuke and Itachi got to their house, they just headed to their rooms. Sasuke just laid on his bed in thought.

Sasuke's POV
Sakura...she really isn't what she seems. I was so blinded by what? Love? Can I even call it that?! Do I even know what love is? Love is some type of affection towards someone..right? God dammit I'm just questioning the word now...what if I just think back? I'm pretty sure I knew back then.. won't help...liking Naruto back then won't help anything. Being gay? Ha! That's such a joke. I can't possibly be gay...I mean that was back then and well...what am I saying...the only reason I started liking Sakura was to get rid of those feelings for him. I just can't fall for him again...Although, now he doesn't seem at all happy to see me. I guess I'll talked to him tomorrow. Right now I'm going to sleep


Normal POV

Sasuke woke up from his alarm. 'Right...I have to go to Narutos house today..' he thought as he got up and went to the bathroom. He took a shower and all that stuff and went to his room to change. He just grabbed a grey shirt with black ripped jeans and a belt and put that on. He then put his socks and shoes on and walked out the house. Sasuke walked to Naruto's house and once he got there he just knocked on the door.
"Oh good morning sasuke! Thank you for coming" Kushina said as she let Sasuke in.
"Thank you for letting me even come into your house" he said as he just took his shoes off.
"Is he in his room?" Sasuke asked
"Mhm!" Kushina said. "He may be sleeping though. I don't know, you'll just have to see for yourself" she said as Sasuke just nodded and went to Narutos room. The raven knocked on the door to see if there would be an answer
"Come in" naruto said. Sasuke nodded as he opened the door. "Oh sasuke..morning" he slightly smiled
"Morning" he said. "So I'm just supposed to keep you company correct?"
"That's what I'm told" naruto answered
"Got it" sasuke said as he just sat on naruto's bed.
Sasuke looked at naruto and smiled
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Naruto asked
"Huh? What? Oh..sorry" Sauske said and looked away
"Sasuke...what did you do about Sakura?" He asked
"Broke up with her" he answered
"Oh..that's good...she wasn't meant for you anyways..." naruto mumbled
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked
"She isn't the right person for you...but maybe...just maybe I could be the right person for—"
"Naruto?" Sasuke said "what are you trying to say?" He asked
" wouldn't wouldn't agree so it doesn't ma—Sasuke Why are you so close?" He asked
"What are you trying to say?" He asked again
"I...I like you lied..I love you wouldn't's not like you would like me back t—" sasuke just kissed Naruto.
"I had to shut you up somehow.." sasuke said as he pulled back
Naruto looked at sasuke with widened eyes
"Did you just?"
"Yeah I just me to do it again?" Sasuke asked and smirked. Naruto didn't say anything because of how flustered he was

⚠️smut up ahead (its not a full smut but also my first smut so bare with me) ⚠️

Sasuke nodded as he just kissed Naruto again. Sasukes kissing got rougher and wetter. Soon he bit narutos bottom lips for entrance. Naruto just nodded cause sasuke to slip his tongue into narus wet cavern. After a few seconds of making out, sasuke just took off naruto's shirt off and naruto took sasukes shirt off. The raven laid the blonde down continuing to kiss the other male. Then sasuke moved down to Narutos neck and started to search for Narutos sensitive spots
"Ah~" naruto moaned giving sasuke a smirk on his face



Sauske just woke up from his dream.
"Finally...come on we have to get you to Narutos hospital room" Itachi said from the side of Sasukes bed. The raven just looked around. " downstairs in a bit" he said
"Okay" Itachi said. "Hey why is your face so red?" He asked as he touched sasukes forehead. "Your burning up! You okay? Are you sick or anything? I mean we are going to the hospital so I guess—"
"I'm perfectly fine nii-san" he said
"Then...oh?...then I guess I won't be knowing about your dream?"
"What the?! Itachi?!" Sasuke said and looked straight at him
"Well I'll be on my way" Itachi said as he walked out

Sasuke's POV
Holy crap...that wasn't a wet dream was it? But why did I get it now? I can't right now...too much has happened. Itachi probably knows too! Well not who it's with but he still knows. Ahh my gosh I have to see him later...alright take it in...and go.

Normal POV
Sauske and Itachi got into the car and drove to the hospital. Itachi just got in front of the building and dropped sasuke off
"Call me if you need anything!" Itachi yelled
"Got it!" He said back as he walked into the building.
"Hello blah blah blah how may I help you? Blah blah blah who are you here for?" The secretary asked
"Uzumaki Naruto" Sasuke replied
" will go to room...103" she said
"Okay thank you" the raven said as he just walked to naruto room. Once Sasuke got to the room, he knocked and waited.
"Come in" a voice from behind the door said.
Sasuke just walked in and slightly smiled at naruto. "Morning" he said
"Good morning Teme" he smiled back

a/n: alrighty! Hope you liked it...the smut was my very first one so I don't really know how it goes but there you have it! Anyways I'm out of ideas so give me some ideas in the comments and I'll see what I can do! Have a nice day y'all!

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