Chapter 7

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a/n: just keep in mind that a lot of angst will be in the chapter so I guess you should get ready...just an fyi, a lot of angst will be in like the toward the end

Normal POV
Naruto woke up in an infirmary. He was rather confused. Who took him here and why did they? Everyone from that school was torture...or so he thought...
"Glad to see your awake" the blonde-haired female said
"W-Who? What? When? Where? And Why?" Naruto stated. The nurse started laughing.
"Hello Naruto, my name is Tsunade. Your in the infirmary, also you've been knocked cold for an hour or so" She said
"Wait What?! wait...who took me here?" Naruto asked
"Oh it was Gaara...he found your limp body on the ground so he took you her" she said
"Who's? Uh never mind, I'm going to go now..bye!" Naruto said as he grabbed his book bag and left the room.
'To think that someone actually bring me so weird! Like who would want to help someone like me?! Like seriously!' Naruto thought as he was walking back to his class. (it's like fourth period) Once he got to his class, he opened the door to see all eyes on him. 'Eh?' He thought
"Ah..Naruto Uzumaki! Why are you late?" The teacher asked
"I was in the infirmary..." he mumbled
"Ok then..go and take a seat!" They said as naruto nodded and sat down in the back...again. If we're being honest, sitting at the back is like the safe place in the classroom. You can see everyone either beside you or in front of you. It was perfect...almost perfect.
"Guys look it's Naruto..."
I bet he just wanted to skip class but was caught."
"Being away for and hour or two doesn't explain why he was gone for so long"
"Look at him! He's a total mess! Damn sasuke, i don't know why you were friends with that freak"
"Aww he's covered in bandages! I must've gotten a good beating!"
"Isn't he an Uzumaki? Like one of the lower classes of the clans?"
This voice rung louder in Narutos mind. It was like everyone was talking about him. They may have been whispering quite enough for the teacher not to hear but naruto could here it like they were right next to him. 'Wait sasukes in the class?!' Naruto thought as he looked around and was meet with strong and cold black eyes. Naruto blinked a few times before looking away. 'shit shit shit shit shit!! Dang it!! Why now? Why here?' Naruto thought. 'I feel like everyone in this room hates me...why are there so many eyes on me?! I'm literally at the back of the classroom!' He thought

Naruto's POV
Once that class ended, it was lunch and then you had time to do whatever you wanted. The teachers were all in the teachers lounge so basically fighting and stuff happened a lot and I'm usually the one in those fights and's the worst...maybe I can just skip lunch. Although, I am hungry..I guess I'll go. I just booked it out of the classroom until I was stopped. Damn how many times will this happen.
"What do you want Sasuke?" I growled
"Just wanted to have a little talk" he said calmly
"Just want to talk?! I rather not talking to you at all!!" I yelled as I tried getting away. I swear I felt him smirk before he grabbed the back of my shirt.
"You really are annoying..." sasuke mumbled
"Let me go you piece of crap!!" I yelled as I tried kicking sasuke.
"Someone's trying to put up a fight eh?" Sasuke said as he pushed me onto the wall. "Just face it naruto...your weak...annoying...and every word in the dictionary that means a mistake" Sauske said. I just trembled. Fear and anger took over my whole body. To think that Sauske would've ever said that to me. My eyes widened
"I know that let me go..." I murmured.
"Tch, go to the back of the school after school ends...go back there if you know what's best for you" he said as he let me go and walked off. Like hell im doing that...they're probably going to gang up on me and beat me to a pulp. I sighed as I headed to lunch. Once I got my lunch, I went to sit down...alone. I remember me and sasuke sitting at this exact spot either laughing or talking. Oh that was fun..and he doesn't really smile but when he does it makes me happy and such. It's really cute-
"Can I sit here?" I heard an unfamiliar voice. I look up to see a red-headed dude. "Oh uh sure..I guess"
"Thank you...I'm Gaara by the way" he introduced. Gaara? Oh!
"So your the only who took me to the infirmary!" I said
"That's correct also your welcome" Gaara said
"Oh that's right! I should've thanked you!" I chuckled. "Anyways I'm Na-"
"Naruto..your Naruto, everyone knows you" Gaara said
"Is that a good or bad thing?" I asked
"Mostly a bad thing but to other people it's good that they know you...if that makes sense" he explained. Well that's reassuring
"Most if it is hate isn't it?"
"It's least I'm well known" I slightly smiled

We're just 'friends'... (SasuNaru)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon