Chapter 9

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a/n: sorry for not updating gets in the way so yeah. Enjoy the chapter

A few moments after naruto was taken to the hospital
"I-I" sasuke froze.
"You What?" Itachi asked as he walked into Sasuke's room.
Sasuke just looked down in shame.
"What have you done to naruto? Or at least who did that to naruto?" He asked
"It's nothing.." sasuke said
"So him almost dying is nothing?! I don't know what happened between you two but giving naruto injuries that could cause death is definitely something" Itachi raised his voice.
"Shut up! You don't know what he's done!" Sasuke yelled
"Oh I know what he did and just think about it. Do you think he'd ever want to stay away from you? Didn't he say that your were his only friend?" He asked
Sasuke didn't say anything. Was he really lied to? The one he loved lied to him? Or did he even love Sakura at this point?
"Exactly. He never did any of that. Did you know that naruto was almost in tears once you ditched him time and time again? Did you know that he would never leave your side? Wait actually you wouldn't see that little think about it. Once your done come find me downstairs" Itachi said as he left the other ravens room.
Sasuke sat on his bed and thought. 'What the hell? Sakura would never...' he thought. Then it hit him, all the things Sakura did to Naruto. She wouldn't want sasuke to hang around him. Just because he's in some clan he gets this type of treatment. 'How could I be so blind?!' The raven thought. It all came to him...Sakura wasn't who he thought she was and naruto didn't do anything wrong. "I messed up" sasuke mumbled. "Oh my gosh...Narutos probably in huge pain right now...and I was too blind to stop it! Damnit!" The raven said as he got up and went downstairs.
Itachi looked back and smiled. "You wanna apologizes?" He asked
"Yeah..." Sasuke said. "Now hurry up" sasuke said as he got his shoes on and walked out the door and to the car

Once they got to the hospital sasuke was already stress. Sasuke just barged in.
"Where is Naruto Uzumaki?" He asked
"Room 103" the secretary said as Sasuke just nodded and headed to Narutos room. Once he found it he knocked and waited.
"Is he okay?!" He asked as the door opened.
"Why are you here?" Kurama asked from his chair.
"Can I not be here?" He asked
"Well you basically-"
"Kyuu Stop..." Naruto said.
"But he-"
"I said 'stop' which means shush" he said
"Well can I come in?" The raven asked
"As long as you don't do anything bad" Minato said as he let sasuke into the room. Sasuke walked in and looked straight at naruto. "I want to be alone" sasuke said. "I'm not going to talk to him while you guys are leave" Sasuke mumbled.
"But-" Kurama was cut off by minato
"Let's go" he said as he dragged Kurama out while Kushina followed.
Once sasuke knew they left, sasuke sighed.
"Hey.." he spoke
"Hi.." naruto said
"Look I'm sorry for what Kiba, Neji, And Sakura did you you...I'm sorry for always ditching you for Sakura....I'm sorry for thinking that you hated me and stuff...I'm also sorry for what I have done to you...either mentally or physically.." Sasuke said
Naruto nodded. "Sometimes it takes more then the word sorry.." naruto said
"What does that mean?" Sasuke asked
"You'll find out soon enough.." The blonde said. Naruto was still heart broken. He could remember that day clear as day.

"Well it's your time to finally get with your crush! Well I'll wait for you in the front of the school, k?" Naruto said while faking a smile
Sasuke just nodded as he headed for the tree. Naruto walked to the front of the school heart broken. He then decided that it was for the best and he should just forget these feelings that he had towards the other male

Naruto saw Sasuke and Sakura walk to the front. He smiled and slightly waved. "Alright teme lets go!" Naruto said.
"Uh Sorry naruto...Me and Sasuke-kun will be hanging out now. I don't think we can take you home because I bet you'll be
h-e-a-r-t-b-r-o-k-e-n" she said. Naruto just looked down. "Cya.." he said and walked away

"So what are you going to do with Sakura?" Naruto asked
"Not quite sure...I'll just wait.." sasuke said
"You shouldn't be with her anymore...she isn't who you think she is" naruto said
Sasuke shrugged "I'll think about it" he mumbled. "So when will you be able to leave?" He asked
"I'll leave in one to two days.." naruto said. "But my parents think I shouldn't go back to school for a while because my condition would cause more damage to me in I go back to school" he also said
"Well do you need company?" He asked
" mom was going to ask you to keep company so...yeah" he said
"Well...I don't mind keeping you company" sasuke said.
Narutos eyes widened in disbelief. "Why? Don't you have better things to do?" He asked
"No I don't. Plus it's for a friend right? Well...I'll have to befriend you again before I say that but I'm sure I can.." The raven said
"Well...I'll check on you tomorrow" sasuke said as he left the room

Once sasuke walked out of the hospital, he got into the car. Itachi started the car and drive off
"How'd it go?" Itachi asked
"It was kinda awkward but it went well I guess" sasuke said as he looked around
"Ah ok" Itachi said as Sasuke got a message from Sakura.

"Hey babe. How about I ditch the raven and go to your house?"
"Wtf?!" Sasuke texted
"Omg...sasuke it's just a prank! I was dared to say this to you and here I am!" She texted
"Uh Huh...Sakura we're done" the raven texted

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