The big day...

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"Today is the day I promise my self to you, Alice Susanna Smith. You are the love of my life and I could not live with out you, I will not live with out you. When I first met you when we were 5 I knew she's it she is the one I want to kiss love hold at night. I love you." Fp said

"How was that?" Fp asked Fred his best man.

"That's... wow you wrote that because that's amazing and she is gonna love it." Fred said

"Thanks man." Fp said

Today is the big day; the wedding day and Alice and Fp couldn't be happier that it's finally here.
Alice and Hermione are in her bridal room where she is getting ready. There is 3 hours till she walks down the aisle and right now they are waiting for Mary and Sierra the other brides maids. When everyone shows up Alice releases a breath she did t know she was holding. Now they are getting Alices hair done everyone else had beautiful curls in there hair and Alice is having it up.

(Alices hair she put extensions in)  It took 1 hour but her hair was gorgeous and now they were doing her make up

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(Alices hair she put extensions in) 
It took 1 hour but her hair was gorgeous and now they were doing her make up. Alice didn't want flashy over the top makeup she wants a nice elegant look, so she goes for light rosy pink eyeshadow mascara and a pink lip.

1 hour till the ceremony starts
FPS room
Right now Fp was coming out of getting dressed he is in a black tux and black dress shoes he has a tie on too. He was ready and so excited to spend the rest of his life with Alice.

Alice's room
Everyone was helping Alice get ready in her dress and she finally was ready to walk down.

Ceremony time
Fp walked down the aisle to his spot and saw all the guest in there seats. The music has started and now Hermione and Fred walk down arms linked then next is Mary and Tom. And finally Alice she stops at the doors and everyone stands the song ' the hardest things' by Tyler  Ward plays.  Alice and Fp  did t want to go the traditional rout and do that traditional swing they decided to do there song when Alice walks down. Fp lays eyes on Alice and he is in awe. She walks to her spot hands Hermione her bouquet and Fp takes her hands now the priest starts. "Dearly beloved we are gathered her to witness the marriage of Alice Susanna Smith and Forsyth Pendleton Jones the second.
Alice repeat after me I Alice  Smith take thee Forsyth Pendleton Jones the second to love and to hold  in Sickness and in health till death do us part." Alice repeated that. "Forsyth Pendleton Jones the second  take thee  Alice Susanna Smith to love and to hails in sickness and in health till death do us part."  Fp repeated. "Now the vows. Fp will you start."

"Alice today is the day my life begins. The day I finally marry the women of my dreams, the love of my life. Today I am promising my self to you forever. We will fight but I will never leave you because I love you Alice." Fp said.

He left everyone in tears including Alice.

"Alice." The priest said.

"Fp when I first met you  I found you a bit annoying but soon I grew to love you with everything because you would always be there no matter what and you can always put a smile on my face when I'm sad or mad and I love you and can't wait to start  this journey with you."

"The rings."
Fp took Alices ring then her hand. "Fp do you take Alice to be your wedded wife." The priest said

"I do." Fp said and put Alices ring on.
Alice took FPS ring and then his hand. "Alice do you take Fp to be your wedded husband."

"I do." Alice said and put god ring on they both had the biggest smiles on.

" I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

With that Fp lifted up Alices vale and she put her arms around FPS neck and FP put  his hands on tiger waist and then they kissed and Fp dipped her. Everyone got up and started clapping. Alice and Fp stood up and walked down hand in hand and while everyone clapped.


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