☆ List Of Prompts For Requests ☆

Start from the beginning

19. "A civilian. Really? You'll be bored within a month."

20. "Please tell me you're not actually interested in a hero."

21. "Is this 'affection'?"

22. most to least likely to ____

23. "I didn't take you for the type to want to date a rockstar."

24. "Anyone would be lucky to have you, you're amazing." 'Just wish it was me you were interested in'

25. "Please touch me."

26. "You were supposed to be meaningless arm candy."

27. "I feel it in the way you kiss me. This isn't a game anymore is it?"

28. "It's nice to have someone return my feelings for a change."

29. "Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe I don't want to be kept a secret."

30. "I swear everyone is in love with you, it's irritating."

31. "Why is there a dog in my room?"

32. "I'm too late."

33. "When I said I wanted to get closer to you this isn't what I meant."

34. "I love you, I do, but I'd love you more if you shut up."

35. "Honestly.... I think I'm in love with your sibling/sister/brother."

36. "You're stupid. I like that in a person/man/woman."

37. "Well excuse me for not being able to think straight after finding out you somehow managed to set a toilet on fire."

38. "Thanks. I hate it."

39. "You love me? A terrible decision really."

40. "You know... it wouldn't kill you to at least pretend like you're into me."

41.  "How'd you manage to forget your own birthday genius?"

42. "Thanks, it's the trauma."

43. "I drove all night until I started to cry."

44. "I trusted you, you know how hard that is for me."

45. "You confirmed everything I wanted you to disprove."

46. "I didn't know I could physically feel my heart shatter."

47. "Your face triggers me."

48. "You're mean.... I like it."

49. "Mind if I take your last name?"

50. "I don't really hate you but I'm having a moment."

51. "You're so hot. I'm going to punch you in the face."

52. "Are you saying you like me or not?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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