Acting 101

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Laura's P.O.V

Jaime and I wake up early on our first day of classes and luckily some dorms have en-suite bathrooms and ours in one of them so we take turns showering. I pulled on dark blue skinny jeans, a white lace tank top, a black, chunky knit, over sized cardigan and black converse. After I dry my hair I curl it and apply my usual make up, foundation, powder, pencil eyeliner, mascara and a sheer pink lipgloss.

Jaime dries her hair and slips on a casual white mini dress, navy blue ballet flats and a navy blue cardigan. She does applies powder and mascara. We both grab our bags and head to Acting 101. We walk in and see Kat and Meredith. Kat wearing black skinny jeans, a flowy, cropped white tank, a leather jacket and black heeled ankle boots, her long curly hair tied into a high messy ponytail, her usual make up, powder foundation, black pancil eyeliner in her water line, black liquid liner winged out on her top lash line, black mascara and a nude lipstick. Meredith was wearing light blue denim shorts, a turquoise and silver tank top, a light blue denim jacket and white converse. Her hair was messy and straight and she had on a tiny amount of masacra.

"Ready?" Kat asks and we all nod walking into class. We walk down to the front where Sophmores, who have a free period, are holding seating charts and telling people where to sit.
"Acting 101 has a seating chart? What about freedom of expression?" I ask as we approach Brian, Nick and a short brunette.
"That comes after first semester, Professor Douchebag has to see your personalities." Brian shrugs.
"I take it you know these people?" The girl asks and Brian nods.
"Kat, and Laura are my younger sisters, they're twins. and that's Laura's roommate Jaime and Kat's roommate Meredith. Girls this is Lauren. Meredith, Jaime this is Nick. Great everyone knows everyone." Brian says making introductions and pointing to people.

"Anyway. Kat, seat A2, Meredith seat A3, Jaime seat B4, Laura seat B2." Nick tells us as Lauren hands us each a book with our names on. We all head to our seats, Kat sat next to a guy with mega curly hair called Darren and Meredith sat next to some guy called Dylan. Next to me was a super hot guy called Joe and another guy called A.J. next to A.J was Jaime and next to her was Jim.

"Welcome to Acting 101, I am Professor Maxfield." A teacher says as he walks onto stage. He starts talking about everything that everyone in this room already knows and you can see the sophomores, especially, Lauren, Nick and Brian, smirking at our bored faces.
"Chatty girls on the first row please enlighten me on who Artaud is." The professor says looking straight at Mere and Kat.
"Artaud is a French Practitioner, as well as a playwrite, poet, actor and theatre director. He suffered from mental illness the majority of his life, mainly clinical depression. Artaud believed that theatre should represent reality and, therefore, affect the audience as much as possible, therefore he used a mixture of strange and disturbing forms of lighting, sound, and other performance elements. He admired Eastern theatre because of the codified, highly ritualized and precise physicality of Balinese dance performance, and advocated what he called a "Theatre of Cruelty". At one point, he stated that by cruelty he meant not exclusively sadism or causing pain, but just as often a violent, physical determination to shatter the false reality. He believed that text had been a tyrant over meaning, and advocated, instead, for a theatre made up of a unique language, halfway between thought and gesture." Kat replied and he nods.

"Name?" Professor Maxfield asks.
"Kat Holden." Kat replies and the professor laughs quietly.
"Holden. So Brian's sister. You're just as much of an incompetant know it all as he is aren't you?" He snaps.
"No actually. Neither My brother or I are incompetant know it alls, in fact we are just like everyone else in this room. We are all here because we know our stuff, some learn't it in schools and others, like my brother, my sister and I chose to learn it because we love the theatre and before we were accepted into this school we had to audition and show our skill, both in acting and in the theory behind it so everything that you just told us, we all knew already. Also I don't appreciate the fact that you penalise my brother and I and possibly my sister if you had a chance to pick on her." Kat replies, venom dripping from her voice.

"and that ladies and gentlemen is what you need to make it in this class and this industry. The balls to fight back against the people who try to tear you down. I'm hard on you to prepare you, and I don't tend to give compliments to you, Miss Holden, better listen. You will be fine in this industry, I've seen your audition, you're talented, you know your stuff and you take no bullshit, from anyone, not even me who could get you expelled. Well done. Okay the rest of you listen up, I will make this class both hell, and the best thing ever, just ask Brian, he and his little friends did nickname me Professor Douchebag. I will throw everything at you, and if you displease me with a performance you'll know about it." He says and everyone sits up listening intently to what he says.

"Isn't that your sister?" Joe asks and I nod.
"Yeah, she's the mean twin. Our high school teachers hated that, aparently not an issue here." I smile and he chuckles slightly.
"Text me." He says as he slides a piece of paper over to me just as the bell rings and he walks away. I smile and slide the number into my pocket before Jaime and I walk over to Kat and Meredith who are in a conversation with Darren.
"I'll text you later." He smiles at Kat before walking away.
"He's hot." I say and she shrugs.
"Yeah I guess. Oi Brian, we're going for coffee, you comming or what?" Kat yells over to Brian who is currently tickling Lauren who is laughing uncontrollably and squirming around on the floor.
"One second, I'm waiting for Lo to admit I'm funny." He replies.
"Meet us at the Cafe." I say as us girls walk out and head to the Cafe talking aimlessly about Acting 101 and our slight Douche of a Professor.

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