First Day

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Kat's P.O.V

Laura, Brian and I all grab our stuff from our parents car and wave goodbye, Laura and I refusing to let them in with us considering their breakdown last year when they dropped Bri off for his Freshman year last year.
"Alright where are you guys?" Brian asks and I take out my accommodation letter.
"Uh, Dorm B3." I reply.
"Dorm C1." Laura says.
"Okay Kat, second building, second door on the right, Laura third building first door on the right. I'm gonna go find Nick as he has our dorm number and then I'll find you two." he tells us and we nod, watching our brother leave to go find his friends.

Laura and I bid goodbye to each other and head to our dorms. I open my door to see a girl with tanned skin, brown eyes and curly brown hair sat on the floor.
"Hi. I'm Meredith, you must be Kathryn?" she smiles cheerfully.
"Hi, yeah just call me Kat though everyone else does...why are you sat on the floor?" I ask her.
"I was waiting for you so we could pick our beds and stuff. I didn't want to be inconsiderate and just jump in." she tells me and I smile thankfully.
"That's sweet of you. which bed would you prefer?" I ask her and she tells me she'd prefer to sleep by the door.
"Perfect, I prefer to sleep by the window." I tell her. We begin unpacking and getting to know each other when Brian bursts into the room.
"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask as he shrugs and jumps on my bed.
"Please do come in and jump on my bed." I say sarcastically.
"Hi I'm Brian, Kat's brother." Brian smiles at Meredith and she smiles back shyly.
"I'm Meredith." she replies and I roll my eyes.
"Help unpack or leave." I tell him as I hit him with the dress in my hands.
"Fine, I'll go see Laura. She doesn't abuse me!" he smirks as he stands up.
"That's because she's the nice twin." I say as I close the door on him.

"Want to register for classes?" Meredith asks me after we've unpacked and I agree, grabbing my phone and following her out.
"Ooh acting!" we both say at the same time before bursting out laughing. We both sign up for acting and theatre performance, I also sign up for creative writing and script writing while Mere additionally signs up for music performance.

"Kat!" I hear someone yell and I turn around to see Laura running towards me with a girl who has short blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Laura." I smile as we hug.
"Mere this is my twin Laura, Laura this is room mate Meredith." I say as the two hug each other.
"Kat this is my room mate Jaime Lyn." Laura says and the two of us greet each other. We all start talking about classes and fun out we'd all signed up for Acting and Theatre performance.
"Your brothers cute." Meredith says as we get ready for bed.
"Oh god Mere." I sigh as I tie my curly, long, dark brown hair into a high ponytail.
"What he is!" she exclaims and I just laugh.
"Okay Mere, whatever you say. but If by some twisted miracle you two start dating keep the details to yourself." I tell her.
"If I date Brian you can date David." she tells me and I smirk.
"Ooh, the medical student. I may take you up on that offer." I laugh and she throws one of her pillows at me.
"Thanks Mere, I needed a new pillow." I joke before throwing it back at her. Meredith and I both turn off our lamps and settle down to sleep, yelling goodnight to each other. If I'm honest I was nervous about college but after meeting Mere I'm much more confident about this whole experience, in fact I'm excited.

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