"Wait a second; you really think this man here is a God? A real God? I mean a genuine God who usually lives in sky?" I nodded my head and he laughed out loud for a really long time. At one point, he even rolled on the floor while laughing.

How preposterous!

I looked at My Lord and found him furious at the way his insolent friend is making fun of his power. Not knowing what to do and how to save the ignorant poor soul, I slapped him hard to get him back to the reality.

I had to do that! If I didn't, then My Lord would've turned him into ashes with his hidden powers and since My Lord is not aware of his powers and how to use them, it might make him guilty later.

"You are being stupid in front of a Lord. You need to kneel down and ask for his mercy before he curse you or anything worse." I said hurriedly ignoring the stunned looks of My Lord, Uncle and Kevin.

I hurriedly pulled Caleb to his knees and made him bow before My Lord. "We are all his creation, no less than his kids. You made a great sin laughing at him. Ask for his forgiveness and the warm hearted God shall show you mercy." I explained him. I know he did not know about his friend being a God and since it's an honest mistake I will try to get him a lesser punishment.

"Ah yes, come on Caleb, beg for my mercy." My Lord voiced out in a very dangerous tone which immediately frightened the poor Caleb but since I'm hi best worshiper out there, his tone did not affect me at all.

Or... Did he protect me with a shield so I do not get affected by it?

That must be the case!

"I apologize the greatest being on this earth to show me the mercy for my audacious actions. This slave, who has been ignorant, doesn't know who you really are. I beg for your pardon." Caleb begged bowing his head before My Lord.

It took me five minutes to make My Lord forgive Caleb and once he is already forgiven, I explained him everything about My Lord being reincarnated to keep us safe. Caleb was amazed at first but soon showed interest in helping us with the works.

"So you use to sneak into his office so that you can light a candle in front of him?" He was again amazed by my determination, my strength in handling things and my devotion for My Lord.

He was just a little ignorant but when explained, he is a good person. Perfect to be a devotee!

"Yes, she did. The first time I saw her doing it, you won't believe me I was so fascinated by her thoughts." Kevin replied for me as I'm currently busy with making slight changes in the traditions book. I just smiled at the flowing conversation but My Lord is still livid and quiet all along.

I think he needs time to completely forgive his friend!

"I forgot to tell you dear, I, along with your God, we will be out of country for a week on a business work. I know I have to look after the statue of his for the prayer hall but until we return, Kevin will handle it." Uncle Odell said freezing me from what I was doing.

My Lord is leaving?

For another country?

For a week?

"But he needs to be protected." I should protect him before he gets back his powers and memory. I can't let him slip away from my eyesight.

"I promise you I will take best care of him. He will return back unscathed, you have my word." Uncle assured me and I had to nod my head reluctantly.

"Okay. My Lord, please don't talk to strangers, don't try to save people without thinking, please don't chase any evil that came across you, you are still unaware of your powers. And please don't trust anyone." I held his hands in mine and gave him the precautions he needs to know.

"You do realize that I'm a Mafia, right?" He pulled away his hands from me. He glared at me again and I think the reason for his glare is because he is going away from me for a week.

If he is with me, I would guide him and if he away, he will have difficulty with balancing his human and Godly sides.

I'm his equilibrium.

"Yes. But what does it has to do with you going on a trip?" So what if he is a Mafia?

I still don't understand what a big deal in it is!

"Can't believe you both sisters are so cool about Mafia." He muttered to himself which I ignored as I'm concerned about something else.

"Kevin, you said the photo frames and cards of My Lord will be ready in two days, why don't we first give them out to the people around us who we trust a lot and can trust My Lord's secret with them?" I asked and Kevin nodded his head gleefully.

He is always so happy to help me with My Lord's work. My Lord bless him with a great woman in his life.

"Hey Ms. White," Caleb called me. He turned and smiled at My Lord first before turning back to me. "Can I have few of those photo frames too please? I have a bunch of trusted people with whom I want to share this auspicious work with. I want them to know who the God is and want them to worship him as well." Oh Caleb! Such a kind kid you are.

"Absolutely No." My Lord yelled at the smiling Caleb and Caleb's smile only grew wider.

"But My Lord, I want to share your divine presence with our men and our partners." Caleb said enunciating on 'My Lord' in a sing song way. Without waiting for My Lord's reply I gave him my word that he would receive the photo frames once we receive them.

My heard gritted his teeth and whispered 'Don't you dare' to Caleb to which Caleb's grin widened and he just shrugged.

"Now that you are a part of our team, can you please help Uncle Odell with the prayer hall work and Godly garments for My Lord?"

Caleb gave a weird Jerry type smile and nodded his head in agreement while looking at My Lord with a naughty kid look.

Thank My Lord, we have another one in team to work for us. Before My Lord returns from his business, I need to set everything for him and bring in more worshipers.

But first... I will have to find out something important.

Why am I the one to find out about My Lord? Why am I important and who am I to him?

What is my signification in his past life and his reincarnation?

I need to find answers to these questions.


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

How is the chapter? Boring? so-so? 

What? Callisto is going out of country?

Is it really for business or is he running away?

But do you think is Albina's significance in her God's life?

Will she find out why she is important in his life?

What exactly will she find out?

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Lots of Love

Lady Prim

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