Honestly, you didn't even want to be around the asshole.

Why was he trying to act all casual? As if everything was all good and normal between you two?

Was he high or something?

"Freaking idiot,"

You scoffed to yourself as you grabbed the wrapped-up bowl out of the refrigerator, and removed the plastic cling wrap it was protected by before placing the dish into the microwave and setting a reasonable amount of time for it to warm up.

To pass the time and somewhat distract yourself, you tidied up around the kitchen as you waited for the food to warm up, making sure to throw away both of the notes that Jin had left for you before you suddenly heard a low buzzing noise from somewhere in the kitchen.

You stopped in your tracks after getting rid of the notes and looked around curiously in search of the source of this sound before something that was lying on the countertop caught your eye.

Jin's phone.

That was what was buzzing.

Why did he leave it? Did he perhaps forget it?

You sighed to yourself and shook your head as you walked over to the device, knowing that this wasn't the first time he had forgotten his phone at home.

You had a strange feeling that this time it was partially – or entirely – your fault, and you scoffed as you picked up the charging phone from the countertop, sighing quietly at the realisation that he was probably buying some time to stay away from you for a little bit before he eventually had to face you.

As you glanced down at the lit-up screen of the buzzing device now in your hand, your eyebrows instantly furrowed once you saw the name that was now on display with the incoming phone call.


I Need You | KSJ (REWRITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now