"He's too stupid for my vapor to work!" Liu declared, confirming Don's suspicions. The big guy turned around, a mortified look on his face.

"You take that back!"

Don wasn't about to engage. He was occupied with something else.

'Where the hell is Inadu?'

His answer came in the form of a giant swarm of killer bees. They flew into the giant Destroyer's face, making him scream as he attempted to shake them off. He started stomping his feet violently, ravaging Split in the process. Massive cracks started to appear in the concrete, and houses began being apart.

The big guy then stopped moving, and lifelessly crashed into the road.

More feather bullets flew toward Don, but only one got him, and it failed to do a lot of damage. The bees turned toward the two crow hybrids, and engulfed them in their swarm. They screamed a few times, then died and fell to the ground.

Just as Inadu was about to reform, a jolt of pain went through everyone present. Don felt like his body was being twisted into an inhumane shape, his joints burning with pain. Liu was down on the ground, too, also convulsing with pain. The bees were erratically flying around, proving to be no exception to the pain.

"I can't believe you all got taken down so easily," said a skinny Destroyer as he walked into view from behind a house. He only slightly resembled the first one, and looked like a movie elf. "Honestly. I know you're not as strong as the first one, but this was pathetic. Could worse ones have been chosen for activation?"

'Does that mean there are others?' Don thought, trying to fight through the pain. It proved too much, and he was incapable of standing up.

The shy-looking girl, who was knocked down before when her ally landed on her, stood back up and looked at Don. Slowly, she turned her palm toward him, and Don was shocked to see an eyeball embedded into it. It was a real eye, too, and could blink. It started to glow with a green hue, and Don suspected what was about to happen.

Liu touched him just in time, and both of them were taken to an entirely different place. The streets of Split disappeared, replaced by a dark and dusty dungeon. The shy look disappeared from the girl's features as her clothes changed to a far more revealing outfit. It was leather, and stuck to her form as though it were another layer of skin. Her physical form visibly changed, with her breasts and hips becoming more prominent.

"Another psychic, huh?" she asked with a sneer as two chains appeared in either side of her. "Let's see what you've got, fella."

Don looked at Liu, then noticed he now had two eyes. The man stood up, a shield appearing in the air in front of him. "You can't hurt her here. Leave this to me."

The girl sent her chains forward, but they only hit the shield, then fell to the floor. Liu ran toward her, moving a lot quicker than he could in the real world, a sword appearing in his hand. He tried to cut the girl in half, but the ground rose up to protect her, and his sword got stuck in it. With a smirk on her face, she blew a kiss at him, and a powerful force sent him flying across the dungeon, where Don barely managed to catch him.

"Where the hell are we?"

"This is where we come during out fights," a new voice said from next to Don. When he turned around, he was surprised to find Lan standing there, alive and well. She gave him a small smile. "Figured you'd need my help. I gotta do everything around here."

Not being able to help himself, Don threw his arms around her, enveloping her in a hug. "You're okay."

Lan hugged him back, but wasn't about to go soft. "There, there, you big crybaby. All better now?"

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