The Chapter With the Not-So-Regular Job

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The following Monday, Don actually managed to feel some faint excitement. It was finally time for Helter Skelter to work a regular case, and he needed the distraction. It was just going to be him and Lan this time, and Don couldn't wait for a buddy cop routine to take place.

He got up early, got off the couch, then went upstairs to take a shower.

'Lan's probably gonna come here sooner than usual. Better not disappoint.'

He wasn't trying to charm her or anything; She just happened to be the one he had the most in common with, and he wasn't about to burn that bridge.

By the time he got back to the bar, Lan had already shown up.

"Done painting your nails, princess?"

Don rolled his eyes. "Come on, you ball of joy. We've gots work to do."

"Don't talks like an idiots in fronts of me, please."

"Yeah, I don't know why I did that."

The two went on their way. Since neither could drive, they had to walk.

"Not wearing your superhero costume?" Lan teased, referring to the skin-tight suit he had used in the fight against John and Dimitri.

"Say what you want, but I looked amazing in that."

"You looked like Catwoman."

"Like I said; Amazing."

They continued to chat as they walked, and finally got to the place where they were to receive their job.

"You find out anything about it yet?" Don asked.

Lan shook her head as she knocked on the door of the house they found themselves in front of. "Said she didn't trust anyone over the telephone, so we're only getting the info here."

"Good to know."

A middle-aged woman opened the door. "Are you two t-the um, espers?"

Don extended his hand. "Don Dellinger and Lan Li, at your service."

The woman didn't shake his hand, but did move out of the way and invite them in. "Can I offer you some tea?"

Don turned toward Lan.

She shot him a glare before he could open his mouth. "Not all Asians like tea."

"I was gonna ask if we had the time for me to have some."

"We do not."


"So, mam, you specifically requested the help of espers. Why is that?"

The professional tone Lan was using surprised Don, but he didn't comment on it in present company.

The woman nodded. "It's about my brother. You see, he's fallen in with some bad people. The bad people who are against those bad people keep coming here and threatening me. I've tried the police, but they haven't made an arrest yet, so they just keep coming every week. They've already taken some money from me, and broken some stuff, but last week they crossed the line. My daughter was here, you see - a girl of only seven - and one of the men threatened her. I don't care what you have to do; I just want them to stop coming here."

'Sounds like you should just have a talk with your brother,' Don figured.

"What can you tell us about the men who came here? Are they in a gang?" he said instead.

The woman nodded, still uncomfortable. "Yes, I believe they are. I really couldn't tell you which gang it is, though."

'Well that's a whole lot of useful.'

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