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"There was something cheery going on with the squad," Charles said. 

I gave him the look. 

"See what I did there, cheery."

I huffed and my lips curved. We were having a beer down at Danny's pub and grill. It was around nine thirty. Today was a long day.

"I hate fucking cheerleaders." I spoke in a whisper.

Charles started to laugh. "What, Amy never made the squad?" He teased.

I raised my one eyebrow at him slightly. "Let me guess, you were a devoted cheerleader fan." I teased back. "Had your own pair of pom-poms and the words Courtney written in big letters on your chest."

"Who the fuck is Courtney?" He asked and we both laughed.

My eyes caught something on the TV.  It's a bulletin on the Wolf.

"Hey Mike." I slide out the booth, got up, and walked toward the bar. "You mind turning that up?"

Mike got the T.V remote and turned up the sound just as the ugly bastard's face popped on to the screen.

"GUY SAVOURY, also known as the Wolf was declared dead at seven-thirty tonight in his cell," the news reporter said.

"That lucky bastard." Charles was right beside me.

Everyone knew who Guy Savoury was. He was known as the Notorious Wolf, a serial killer as big as Ted Bundy and Son of Sam, took 15 years to catch the animal as he only killed every two years. It was a high profile case back in the day and the FBI Profiler and agent that put him behind those bars, Getrude Nolan, had to quit her job after he was caught. She basically disappeared from the world.

"Earlier today, Guy Savoury got into a quarrel with Duclin Winston, and got stabbed forty-two times. Officials said that he was declared dead on the scene," the reporter continued.

"He got what he deserved," Charles said. "For killing all those poor victims, and turn their bodies into a fairytale character. He was a sick monster."

We studied the case at Quantico when I wanted nothing more than to become an FBI profiler like Getrude.

Guy was sadistic in the way he used art to change his victims to look like a fairytale character. He was pure evil and fairytales weren't the same after Guy Savoury. 

He even left poems that explained why he chose the victim. Poems that remained silent and I only found out about them through the training at Quantico. It was so twisted the way he worked them into the crime scene. 

The real reason why it was so hard for them to catch him, was that he left no DNA, and the only finger prints on the victims were usually their guardian, parents, the ones that loved and protected them the most. 

After the second victim it was something known, that the Notorious Wolf found ways to plant evidence, know just how and then the idea that he might have been a law enforcement officer himself was one of the first things Getrude Nolan picked up. But he wasn't a law enforcement officer. 

He used to be a police officer that was retrenched due to him being a suspect in a missing case and he ended up in security. 

It was the first big break she got, and it caught his attention. He made her life a living hell, toyed with her with each victim that would go missing. His sick games with Getrude would go on for months before the murder scene would be found.  

He would leave messages for her, phoned her at the police station, hide things in her hotel rooms as she searched for him. He was always close by, putting her on edge. No wonder she disappeared after catching him.

Beautiful Death: Sleeping Beauty Case File #1Where stories live. Discover now