Chapter 28: Terrible News

Start from the beginning

Patchfur's tail swipes over her muzzle; a subtle gesture to quiet down. Nightrose offers up a feeble nod, her heart still racing with anxiety. Maybe she should've expected Vultureclaw's murderous tendencies to extend to clan leadership, but Nightrose just had never imagined even a psycho like Vultureclaw going as far as to attempt to murder their own leader. The mere thought of such a thing sent her blood roiling with rage. If only this was the right time and place, she would be ripping the tabby tom apart.

As it was not, Nightrose forced herself to calm.

"Yes. That's exactly what he means." Patchfur mews. "But we can't discuss that here. All of you know as much."

"Yes. Violetpaw should be our main concern right now." Arrowheart agrees.

"Speaking of Violetpaw, how bad is she?" Nightrose almost can't dare to ask. Whenever she thinks of the young tortoiseshell, her mind recalls a striking young she-cat that was the leader of her gaggle of siblings. It sent a pang of sadness in her heart to hear such a vibrant young cat could be seriously injured.

"I-I...." Goldenclaw struggles for form words, "I don't think we can say for sure yet. One of her back legs was busted up pretty bad when we found her." The admission of that made his body do a full shudder, the pain in his golden eyes unmistakable.

Arrowheart shakes his head sadly. "And to think, this was supposed to be such a special night for Dawnpaw too. Coming home to this...I didn't even get to learn her new name when she got back. I hope she and Featherflight know how to help Violetpaw." He mews.

Patchfur nods. "I think that's what we're all hoping at this point."

They all sat in tense silence for what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes. Eventually Featherflight came out of the Medicine Den, the expression on the old tom's face was grim. Dapplefur raced over to him, her three kits that were by her side trailing behind her. Nightrose has a feeling that Foxtail was likely there too, watching down on them from somewhere up in StarClan.

Just what would he think of all this? He probably hates Vultureclaw even more now, and considering Vultureclaw murdered him, that's saying something.

"How is she Featherflight? How's my baby?" Dapplefur was quivering with fear for her child. Nightrose was sure she'd feel the exact same way if she was put in the same situation, with one of her own kits severely injured.

"She's stable for now, but...her leg....well, it's best if you see it for yourself." Featherflight said with a sigh. From the way his shoulders were heavy set and his blue eyes were dull it reminded Nightrose just how old the medicine cat really was.

He should've been able to stay retired. Instead he had to watch Lilyspots, his former apprentice die and had to step up to train Dawnpaw for the rest of her own apprenticeship. And with Violetpaw being injured, who knows when he'll be able to retire again. Especially with the cold season being here. So many cats get sick this time of year. Will he ever get to rest? Nightrose couldn't see that happening anytime soon.

"Okay, I'm coming Violetpaw." Dapplefur darted into the den with her three other children.

Goldenclaw tries to head in right after them, only to be stopped by Vultureclaw. The two tabbies stare at each other for a few heartbeats, the tension between them palpable. Nightrose could see her brother's shoulders tensing up, and it made her wonder just how much self-restraint he was applying to make sure he didn't claw the deputy's eyes out.

"Don't crowd them. Violetpaw needs to rest." The deputy murmurs.

"Sure. Because you know what Violetpaw needs." Goldenclaw's voice is thick with a barely concealed rage. Arrowheart sidles up next to his parabatai, glaring at Vultureclaw with not so concealed anger. The black furred warrior wasn't one to hold anything back. Nightrose and Patchfur share a worried glance as he prepares to speak with what would likely be hardly any filter.

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