Untitled part

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I laid there, my breathing really heavy and slow. My eyes were still closed as the flashbacks from my previous "encounter" ran in front of me. My body became all sweaty as my heart beat fastened,' no, not again ' i thought, when suddenly, a slam of door woke me up. A forced gasp escaped my dry and cut lips. My jaw pained when it moved even a bit. I guess the beating i got was really out of this world. 

It has already been 3 hours since he left me here, after beating me to a pulp and then raping me, tearing my insides out. I could feel dried up blood near my vagina and my lower portion was sore as hell. At this moment i could think of nothing so positive that would distract me from the decision of killing myself. My body and soul, both were broken now, along with my will to fight. I am sorry Chan, i am sorry to my mom and dad, but my body has undergone things beyond its limits now. I don't think it will survive more than a few days, even if i don't kill myself. 

I could feel the warmth of a person nearing my weak and badly bruised body. I was not even given a blanket,just left there tied up in those shattered clothes. The bedsheet below me also became crusty with my dried up blood. I dare not look at person who entered, because i was sure it would be none other than that demon. I was truly terrified of even thinking about him near me now. 

There was silence for a long time, which made me gather the courage to look in the direction of the human presence. I turned my head only to see a man in the uniform of a police officer staring down at me with what seemed to be pity. 

"Are you... Ok miss?" He asked hesitantly, knowing very well that i am not... But i guess he was just trying to calm me down and start a talk. 

I surveyed him from top to bottom. How come a policeman is here? Didn't the police refuse to help me when i called them days ago. Then i noticed.... His dress was not of the police of Korea, but that of my own country. What...is happening? 

I nodded a little while my face twisted in confusion. He dug his hands in his pocket and took out a cellphone. He dialled a number and waited for a few moments. 

"We found your daughter, Sir. " 


(Y/N) 's DAD' s POV 

It has been days i could not contact both of my children and it is killing us inside. Y/N's mom and I have been doing everything to reach her out or even Chan but there has been no answer. I tried contacting his colleague's there but none of them knew where he vanished suddenly. This could not be possible until he was in some serious situation, since he is a really social person. Also Y/N's trip period has already ended and she was supposed to return back 3 days ago . Where the hell are my children. I contacted police 2days ago and they were taking the process really slow but i also have few connections with some politicians and therefore i used them. Now they are taking the case much more seriously. The thing that really helped me was that we found a policeman who is a Korean, but is now posted here, he knows what he gotta do. 

Both their mobile phones were tracked to be in the same location before they were lost. We finally arranged for a police team to be sent to korea as this has now become a national matter even on the news, since it involves a foreign country. I just hope both my children our safe. Their mother has not eaten anything significant from days and even i am slowly loosing all my hope. 

There was a sudden ring on my cellphone. I ran towards it in high hopes and my heartbeat fastened to see that it was from the police team. My hands began shaking with nervousness as i answered the call. 

There was a little silence, before i heard a voice. 

"We found your daughter, Sir." 

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