His place

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The drive was silent. Although i was filled with tension inside my head, i kept a calm demeanour outside. I didn't know this man fully, i couldn't trust him. He suddenly pressed the music button and the car was filled with calm music. I soon drifted to my thoughts. I was sure my brother could not just leave me like that, this was no joke. Then, where the hell was he. I just hoped he was safe. 

Suddenly his phone rang.He saw the callername and his jaw clenched. I couldn't read his expression and had no idea why he was so tensed just by receiving a call. 

"Excuse me, i need to take this. Its urgent." He spoke. 

"Its alri.." before i could even complete he stopped the car and and went outside. Wow,he could have just sat here and had a talk, i dont even know him its not like i would interfere. I just sat there, blankly staring ahead when he came in and closed the door. I saw his face and he was smiling while looking at me. It was weird, he was totally not like this when he went out, and suddenly he was all shiny and bright. I just brushed it off and we continied our journey. 

We soon reached a grand mansion like place. I was wide eyed when i heard a chuckle. I noticed that he was watching me. I quicly shut my mouth and asked him whether this was his place because i couldnt believe him, He just nodded and shrugged. He gave me a signal to follow him and i did. When i entered the mansion i was greeted by a grand hall. It was... beautiful and classy. There were guards on every few meters which confused me. 

"Why are there so many guards here? Are u some kind of celebrity or officer?" 

"You dont need to worry about that princess." 

The sudden nickname shocked me. I gave him a weird expression and he just said it suits me. Wrong. I know it did not. 

"You can stay here for however long you want. Ill show you your room. You can freshen up and then contact the police..." 

"Ya sure, thankyou for helping me." 

He smiled and suddenly came close to me, i mean too close, i did not feel comfortable so decided to move back but my back hit the wall and i realised i was cornered. I looked up and saw he had a slight smirk on his face. 

" What are you.. "He suddenly brought his hand near my cheeks and i froze up. What exactly was he doing. I shouldn't have trusted him. My thoughts were interrupted when i suddenly heard a laugh. He was holding a cricket in his hand and laughing at me. 

" It was on your shoulder, i just wanted to remove it." and he threw it outside the window on the grass. He was again serious and smirked suddenly. What was this smirk again and again, made him look like he had something weird on his mind. Plus i hated that look. 

"What did you think i was going to do huh?" His question left me speechless and flustered. 

"Look at you. Getting all flustered. I mean i am handsome and all but dont worry you are safe... That is untill u want me to do something with yo.."  

I didn't let him complete his sentence and just walked a few steps ahead. Whats all this cockiness. Not knowing where to go i stopped abruptly and looked back. He was just standing there. He walked up to me and asked me to follow him. 

" This is your room. The room opposite to it is mine. You can come to me if you need anything. Actually ill just know if you are in trouble." 

I was surprised. "How? How will you know?". 

"Maybe i have godly powers!". Ok so if he was trying to joke it was not funny. At all. 

I thanked him again and went in, closing the doors behind me. I heard another door shut and understood that he too got in his room. After getting freshed up i sat on the comfy bed and suddenly remebered that i forgot to call the police. I was debating whether i should go to his room to ask for a phone or not. What if he was already asleep?Ughh. I just decided to go. I knocked several times but he didn't open the door. Not even a sound. Hmm, maybe he slept already, i turned my back against the door thinking that i should just borrow a mobile from any guard when out of no where i tumbled amd pushed the door. The door opened and i fell inside. Thinking that i must have disturbed him, i got up to just apologize and leave but... He was no where... The room was empty and the bathroom gate was slightly ajar indicating zero human presence. Weird. 

*Narrator's pov*

The guy entered his room and closed the doors behind him. He sat on his bed grabbing his laptop and opened something. Soon a screen popped up and he could see his (y/n) there. Yes, he had fixed cameras in that room. He got them up as soon as he made his plan. He didn't kmew what had gotten into him. But he surely knew that this was no small crush. It was a huge want.. A crave to devour the fragile being in the opposite room. He wanted her only for himself. He knew he would get her beacuse he was ruthless, a cold blooded murderer and torturer.. If (y/n) would not submit to him, he has his ways. He had her brother kidnapped. 

He closed the laptop and decided to pay a visit to the brother who was knocked out in one of his hideouts where he torchers people. Although he was just tied up before, but since he decided to fight back he was knocked out and locked up. 

He left his room forgetting to lock it since he got a call. He soon left the mansion after telling the guards to keep you secure. 

But who would secure you from him? 


Hy guys. If you are reading this, its my very first try writing anything like this and im just learning so deal with me. Also the story is building up as i needed to create some atmosphere for the ynadere to come in. But dont worry it will start from the next chapter 😜

Please vote and comment, ill highly appreciate it. Thankyou. 💜

His Possession ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora