First meeting🖤

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We went sight seeing. It was a little cold outside but it was fine for me and him since we were all covered. He had brought a rented car with him since he doesnt have one here in seoul. We first stopped at a cafe, since he was hungry and i should say, the dishes were pretty awesome . After that we went shopping. It was a pretty big mall and i was amazed by its unique infrastructure. First, we went to Levi's showroom and then just strolled in random shops. We bought each other some things too. All in all we shopped for nearly 2 hours and it was already 5 in the evening. 

"Enough shopping. Although i like it here and wish to buy this whole place, i think we should visit some other place and then ill return to my hotel." 

"Ok then, i know somewhere where you will be excited to be. Come on!" 

We got in his car and reached somewhere, as i got out i noticed my surroundings and my eyes brightened, although that was not for a long time. We were at a fair, yes thats where he brought me. 

"Chan, dont you think i can visit the fair at my hometown, like show me some great places!" 

"Oh, i thought u like them, maybe you have grown too old". He said and laughed while i smacked his head. 

"yahh.. Lets go in now." We left the shopping bags in the car and went inside. It was bright and cheerful everywhere. We took some icecreams and also ate fast food as we were hungry again by then. Then was the time for rides, since we were tired we only went for 3 of them and called quits. 

"It was so much fun. But im tired now, lets go home brother." He agreed with me, soon we were heading out slowly, cracking jokes here and there when suddenly a gunshot was heard. Everyone freezed for a second and then suddenly everyone was running here and there. I however was frozen in my place with my brothers hand in mine. We saw that the entry gate was blocked by a big black car. And then came out 7 people covered from head to toe in black. One of them raised there guns and shot in the air screaming everone to stop in there places. Few other cars also came and some people got out standing behind those 7. 

"Search each stall, i know he is hiding somewhere here, if you get him kill him on the spot. And bring me the person who helped him to hide. Now." One of them ordered and all the men who looked like they worked for the 7 made there way to different stalls at once. I could not see any of there faces sinces they were wearing masks, only leaving their eyes open for people to see. 

However while eyeing them up in fear, i had eye contact with one of them. He was directly staring into my soul. His eyes screamed domination. He was the one who had ordered to find whoever they wanted before. His deep voice giving me chills. I couldnt read what was goin on in his mind, so i broke the eye contact.. Still feeling his strong gaze on me. 

Soon the man was found and killed i covered my eyes as i couldnt see the scene in front of me whereas my brother just hugged me. He was scared too. We were scared for our lives. They also found the stall keeper who helped the person and pushed him in one of their cars. God knows what they will do with him. 

Everyone sat in their cars and i looked up they were leaving... We would be safe. Thankgod. Just then i caught his eye again. He was still eyeing me like a predator eyes his prey. The cars soon moved ahead and they were out of sight. 

"Hey, are u alright?" My brother asked me worriedly. 

"Yes im fine lets get to the hotel fast." Im fine... Hell no im not im terrified. Just on the first day i witnessed someone getting killed. Ughh. Thankgod that atleast my brother and i are safe. 

We hurriedly got into the car and drove back to where my hotel was however in the middle of our journey i saw a beautiful shop. Damn it. I couldnt resist it and asked my brother to stop for a moment. He was reluctant at first but then thinking that i might forget the earlier events he stopped i asked him to stay there and said ill return in a minute to which he agreed since he was getting a call. I crossed the road and went there. There were  beautiful candles paintings and so much more. I decided to buy some candles when i realised i forgot my purse in the car. I had to go again to the car. My lazy self was upset but what can we do now. I looked back to where my brother was... Or should have been. He is not there. The car is not there. 

I panicked, i got out of the shop and searched for him for a few minutes. Great i do not have my mobile or money plus i do not remember my hotel address, just great... Where am i gonna go now.. What if those gangsters cross my way again. Its already late enough. I saw my watch. It was 11 pm. 

I went back to the shop and asked them if i could make a call. They allowed me but...he was not picking my call. Oh shit his number must have changed when he came here, he must have gotten a new simcard. Oh god... I went back to the road searching for him... Another half an hour later and i still couldn't find him. What am i gonna do now, is this a prank.. Im gonna kill him... Wait is he safe? He couldn't just leave me for any emergency like this. Oh god, i was so tensed that tears started to spill fron my eyes. The road had gotten so quite. 

Suddenly a black car stopped in front of me and the windowpane got down, a handdome young man, who seemed to be older than me asked was in there. 

"Are you fine miss? U seem lost." 

I couldnt trust him. Although it seems like i have seen him before.. His eyes.. Nevermind i must be imagining things.. After like debating for a decade whether i should asked for help or not i decided to get some help. 

"uhm. Actually im lost and i dont have my mobile or wallet with me. Can u tell me where the police station is. Maybe i could get some help there." I asked nervously. 

"Oh, i see. Well i can take u to my place right now. U can call the police from there since this place is not safe at night at all.. Specially for young women like u." I got a weird feeling when he said that.

 "U cant go to the police station since there is a strike goin on in front of the police station by people whose family members died mysteriously, police might not be able to attend you or keep u safe there. Trust me you can tell them your location on mobile while you stay at my place. So you will be safe. Now come one get in" He said with a smile. 

I thought what he was saying was correct. That he was a jenuine person who wanted to help me. Big mistake. I got in. 

"Im Taehyung by the way. U can call me tae." He spoke up while asking me to get my seatbelt on. 

"Ugh..hy im (y/n). Also thankyou for helping me." 

*Narrator's pov* 

The car came to live when he turned on the ignition. What she failed to notice was the slight smirk of satisfaction on  the man's face. He never fails. He wanted to take her home. And he is. Her brother is somewhere he should be.He was intrigued by you. So cute, so fragile. He had a strong urge to keep you to make you his new toy. He was happy and had already planned your future.... With him. 

If there are some mistaked ill correct them soon. Hope ull liked this. Please vote nad comment. I would love that. Till the next update, stay happy 💜💜

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