Chapter 35

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The blood results came back around 0700, Atlanta time, and Harrison released them, but Ridley's shuttle wasn't ready yet. John called Tracy Island and Virgil took the call. It was probably getting close to midnight back home, but he looked wide awake. "I'm on my way," he said.

Nothing had ever looked quite as welcome as Thunderbird 2 alighting into the CDC parking lot and setting down next to Ridley's shuttle. Maria tore out of the building to meet Virgil, who descended in the fore elevator. He opened his arms and she launched herself into them. The embrace and accompanying kiss was epic. Any bystanders might have thought he was returning from a six month tour of duty in a war zone or something.

John and Ridley caught up, having taken a leisurely stroll from the CDC building rather than sprinting to keep up with Maria. Although not wanting the reunion to end, Maria didn't want to be rude either. She let go of Virgil so he could greet the others.

"Captain Ridley O'Bannon, this is my brother, Virgil Tracy," John said.

Ridley extended her hand and Virgil shook it.

"Looks like you rescued my brother and my girlfriend," Virgil said. "Thank you."

"Oh, I didn't do anything but drive the ambulance," she replied modestly.

Virgil's eyes flashed from Ridley's shuttle back to her. "That's one fine ambulance you got there."

She chuckled, looking up at Thunderbird 2. "Yours isn't half bad either."

The flight home went quickly. It was late on Tracy Island, so everyone went straight to bed. After getting Ridley settled in a guest room next to Maria's, John met his grandmother in the hallway and said he was taking the space elevator back up to Thunderbird 5. Sally crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "Absolutely not. Alan and Scott pushed the ion engines to 98% just to get home faster because they were worried about you. They're due back in the morning and they deserve to see you before you go running off again. Once they're here, I'm calling a family meeting that you need to be present for. Personally, not as a hologram." She lowered her voice because they were in the hall and presumably, Sally didn't want Captain O'Bannon to overhear the next part. "Besides, Ridley is your guest on Tracy Island and you're not leaving while she's here."

He sighed. "I guess you're right, Grandma."

Sally resumed her normal voice. "Go down to the lounge and check in with EOS. Show her you're okay. Tell her you wanted to come back but other people wouldn't let you. Tell her it was doctors or tell her it was me, but don't you dare blame it on Ridley. I'm willing to bet EOS will fall all over her circuits to show you how completely she's got everything under control in your absence."

"F.A.B." John sounded a little less wounded realising Sally had a point about EOS. He started down the hall toward the stairs.

Maria felt a little badly for eavesdropping, but they had chosen to chat in the hall right next to her door, the door she always left open. She hadn't seen sleeping quarters in the gravity ring, but she'd only seen a fraction of it. Did John normally sleep in zero-g? If so, the thought of sleeping in gravity might have sounded less comfortable and restful than it did to normal Earth-bound people. Maybe he just wanted a good night's sleep. Or maybe all the rumours about John and Ridley were just that: rumours. Maybe they were content with just playing handball.

The next morning, Sally was not her usual chipper self. She said good morning but her heart wasn't in it. "You know why I called the family meeting, right?"

"You're going to tell them about the Truflun's, aren't you?"

"I have to. I've waited too long already."

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