Chapter 29

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Maria removed her apron as she ran, dropping it on the back of a chair as she left the kitchen. This was something new. Sally had never suggested she go on a rescue before. Was it because she finally trusted Scott not to try to scare her off or was there an injury they felt needed a nurse? The vast majority of the time, the people International Rescue helped really only needed assistance getting out of a dangerous spot, or possibly first aid and a quick transport to a hospital.

Her heartbeat quickened like it did when she had her rotation in the emergency room. Everything was Stat! Stat! Stat! She couldn't keep up that kind of pace indefinitely, but it did have a certain adrenaline rush that made it exciting. Gordon nearly bumped into her on a stairwell inside the hangar. He wasn't in uniform, but he showed her where to go and what button to press to get to the auxiliary hatch entrance to Thunderbird 1.

"You got this!" he yelled enthusiastically, waving to her as the robotic lift moved up and away.

Got what? she wondered as she waved in return.

Now that she had her glasses and the opportunity to look around better, she could ogle at the shiny silver sleekness that was Thunderbird 1. Scott's retracting walkway started extending just as her lifting platform reached its destination and stopped. Maria hopped into the back seat and buckled in. The auxiliary hatch closed. In another few seconds, Scott's seat retracted to the inside and the two upper hatch door pieces slid into place.

"Good, you're here. Everything secure back there?" Scott asked.

"Buckled in and ready," Maria replied. "Why am I here though?"

"I have no idea. Grandma Tracy said to bring you. I'm just following orders."

Umm, okay. She decided not to try to prod him for more information while he was doing all his pre-flight rigmarole. Although unlikely, it was possible Sally just told Scott to take her on an easy rescue to give her the chance to see Thunderbird 1 better than she had before. Scott might be livid when he found out, but it would probably be with Sally. Maria was going to soak it up for all it was worth. The takeoff was intense and exhilarating. It was easy to see why Scott was so addicted to his work.

Just after liftoff, Scott declared, "Thunderbird 1 is go!"

The course display showed them headed to the United States, probably Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming, from the looks of it. The map was topographical and had no state boundaries to help her figure out exactly. She had zero experience outside the Los Angeles metropolitan area, so she hoped Sally didn't expect her to know anything about the landscape or the locals. At least she could be reasonably sure she wouldn't have to speak Russian.

Once they were cruising horizontally, Scott activated comms. "Any more information yet, Thunderbird 5?"

John's image popped up. The projector on Thunderbird 1 made him look life-sized, unlike the projectors on Thunderbirds 2 and 4, that rendered smaller images. John shook his head and sighed. "Nothing. Did Grandma give you any clue?"

"Not unless you call Maria a clue."

"Don't look at me. I'm clueless," Maria muttered.

"She doesn't even know what we do, John," Scott said. "Play that recording for her."

John played an audio-only recording. It sounded like a high-pitched moaning from a cave or somewhere they would get an echo. There was something familiar about the moaning, but Maria couldn't quite put her finger on it. Someone else tried to engage the sound, but when it didn't pause, Maria finally put the clues together.

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