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it was later on in the night now, everyone who was expected to have arrived had done so. leaving the announcements of the night to begin.

everyone was ushered outside, towards a stage that had been set up for the night. namjoon standing upon it, with a few other men who had also taken part in the clothing line.

the line was called love yourself. fitting different shapes and sizes, different styles. mostly being affordable clothing for teenagers, so that they would be able to be comfortable as they went through that stage of life.

as having separate lines for adults and smaller children. all lines having similar designs, but in different ranges of sizes. 

namjoon walked forward towards the microphone that was in the centre of the stage. tapping it slightly, before leaning to speak into it.

"thank you all for coming to our clothing launch! we are very excited to share this line with you all as it is something that we feel will be good for everyone. it fits into everything you may need to adhere for, having customisable options for optimum wear age of our items."

he smiled towards the crowd before continuing, news reporters recording what he was saying. photographers taking picture to capture the moment. which would no doubt be everywhere the following morning.

"we would like to thank all of the models that took part in the shooting of the items for the catalogue, as well as to be placed in shops and on social media promoting the clothing lines. as well as thanking everyone of the designers that helped to work on this project and follow what we envisioned in this clothing line.

"a lot of people in the world need help in order for them to feel comfortable for who they are and I believe that this clothing line is helpful in order for that. every clothing item can go down to the smallest size and go up to the biggest sizes available in the world currently. in order for people to feel comfortable with themselves they should feel comfortable in what they are wearing too."

the crowd in front of him cheered, one of the other males on stage came forward taking the microphone and speaking into it.

"a toast, towards everyone who took part in the line. the models, photographers, tailors, designers, everyone. cheers!" 

a loud cheers could be heard from the crowd, as well as people laughing. as it started to die down, fireworks began in the background. lighting up the sky into many different colours.

seonghwa smiled up towards the sky before looking down beside him to the smaller male next to him. he turned towards the younger, who upon notching this, turned to face the older male.

"yeosang." the said male hummed as a response, the two looking into each other eyes as fireworks continued going off in the background.

"I know this might sound a bit weird and out of nowhere, but I like you? I mean I've liked you for a while now, since like school I guess but I've never really had the balls to say anything until now. and it's okay if you don't like me back but I guess it-"

his rambling was cut up by a pair of lips wanted on his own. seonghwa was slightly surprised but kissed back nonetheless, wrapping his arms around the smaller waist perfectly. yeosang bringing his arms around the back of the taller's neck to deepen the kiss, but before it got too intimate he pulled away.

"well, I like you too." he stated simply causing a smile to erupt across the older's face.

"I'd hope so after a kiss like that." seonghwa winked towards the male, before they both leaned in again. kissing passionately, all while the fireworks went off behind them

standing further away mingi and yunho were watching the two.

"I fucking told you they would kiss by the end of the night." yunho stated.

"wait you meant them? I thought you said you wanted us to kiss before the end of the night." mingi pouted slightly, causing yunho's heart to flutter slightly.

"I mean we can if you wanted to." mingi smiled towards him, gasping a small 'fuck yes' before the two leaned into their own kiss.

the fireworks continuing, painting the sky different colours every few seconds. making every moment of the night seem magical. as well as the fairy lights twinkling around them.

when seonghwa and yeosang had stopped kissing each other, the stood together. arms wrapped around each other. both of them watching the fireworks together. each as happy as ever.

"so what does this make us?" yeosang asked cautiously, hoping to get a label to what they were. even though they didn't need one, it would be nice to be able to tell others what seonghwa was to him.

even though he already knew that.

"boyfriends?" seonghwa suggested, face crushing up in thought. "I mean unless you don't want to."

"I would love to."


they out here flexing on us single bitches

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