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anything in bold is seonghwa's side of the story/him speaking.

anything in italics is yeosang's side of the story/him speaking.

the last year of school was always hard for everyone. it was tough trying to think of what you wanted to do with your life, as well as going to school everyday. keeping up with work was a challenge.

yeosang and seonghwa often walked to school together, talking about anything and everything. because of course, they were best friends.

they were inseperable during the school years. even during fights they'd always find a way back to each other. after knowing each other for a longer amount of time, they always knew everything about each other.

they hadn't had anything major that split them apart.


it was the middle of February, just after valentines day. seonghwa was talking to his girlfriend at the time on the phone, she seemed upset and angry about something. however seonghwa couldn't really hear what she was saying to him.

she walked around the corner, seeing the boy ahead of her and storming up to him. tears running down her face, a mix of angry and sad.

seeing this seonghwa was concerned, he didn't know what was wrong. he assumed that something had happened to make her like this, but wasn't really expecting what he heard.

"hey babe, whats wrong?" he asked, stroking her arm like he always did in order to calm her down.

"are you serious? whats wrong?" she laughed, sounding slightly crazy. "what's wrong is that there are rumours you've been cheating on me for three months." 

seonghwa stared at the girl in disbelief, he had never thought about anyone else throughout the whole of their relationship. of course he thought about his friends, but no other girls.

"what do you mean? I haven't, who told you that? they're just rumours why does that mean anything?" he questioned, wanting to know who it was so he could confront them.

he truly loved the girl, not wanting to lose her. he would do seemingly anything to keep it that way. knowing he'd be angry at whoever it was that had been saying that.

"oh I don't know, because apparently it's what yeosang has been saying."

after hearing the name of his best friend he felt confused, he only saw what his girlfriend was saying. not bothering to listen any further he turned on his heel going to find the boy he believed to be his best friend.

he found the younger male at his locker, putting books away before the later half of the day started. he turned to see seonghwa coming towards him, smiling and waving at the boy. wondering why he seemed so angry.

seonghwa grabbed hold of the younger, dragging him to the nearest bathroom. once they arrived he checked the room was empty before turning to the smaller boy. yeosang had never seen his friend this angry, and he had no idea why.

"yeosang, we need to talk."

"why? did something happen?"

"don't act innocent, it was you wasn't it?"

"what was me?"

"are you being serious? you're the one who spread the rumours!"

"what rumours? what are you talking about?"

"don't fucking lie to me yeo, you know what i'm talking about."

"no I don't! what rumours?"

"I cannot fucking believe you."

seonghwa walked out of the bathroom, seeing red. wanting to destroy the younger male's life as much as he had destroyed his.

but yeosang was just confused. what rumours had seonghwa been talking about. and why would he spread rumours about his best friend anyways.

he heard the bell ringing, signalling that it was time for class. so he left the bathroom, walking towards the classroom. although before he could get there, there was a group of boys, older than him, stood in his way.

"can you let me past." yeosang tried to get around them, but failed someone pulling him back.

"where do you think you're going gay boy." the tallest one in the middle spoke.

yeosang felt like his heart was being ripped into shreds.

the only people he were out to was his parents and seonghwa. he never came out to anyone else, he was scared that people wouldn't accept him.

he was scared for this.

being bullied for being the way that he was. and he only had one guess as to who could have told anyone.

seonghwa did it because he thought yeosang was jealous. he thought that yeosang spread rumours to ruin his relationship so he could have him for himself.

so in return he told everyone the one thing yeosang didn't want anyone to know. he didn't regret it at all when he did it.

but when yeosang never turned up to class for the rest of the day he felt slightly guilty. the guilt only growing when the boy cam in limping the next day, having a black eye. bruises on his arms covered by an oversized cardigan.

but at this point he was scared to talk to the boy. he knew that yeosang knew he had told everyone

watching him from afar getting bullied for the last months of school. before the summer. and not seeing his best friend for a long time.

after the last few months of school, yeosang felt his life spiral downhill. he moved in with his aunt in the city, going out every night. always waking up somewhere new. spiralling further down. deeper into a mess he could never seem to get out of.

until he met wooyoung, who pulled him out of the spiral.

seonghwa didn't know what had happened to yeosang after the summer. he heard he had moved to a city but he didn't know which one. it wasn't until he saw the male modelling that he knew he was going okay, and wasn't dead.

but when they met for the first time in years, they were announced modelling rivals. the two recognised each other, seonghwa slightly salty still about yeosang breaking up his relationship. having seemingly forgotten about yeosang being bullied.

but yeosang remembered it all clearly, everything that had happened from the last few months of school and the years that came after.

but both of them remembering their friendship as strongly as they ever did.


I was planning this in school and my friend saw 'seongsang' and thought it said sausages.

me too honestly

hope you people reading are enjoying the story so far

have a good day wherever you are! :))

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