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the sun had set over the city, leaving a blanket of darkness covering the streets. 

it had been another few weeks since the cheating rumours had happened between the two. the two of them having been together almost 7 months at this point. 

it always seemed fun when they were together, but obviously there were downtimes when they got into small arguments over the smallest things.

the most recent one being that seonghwa ate all yeosang's donuts, to which the younger almost cried because he was super angry. although, they managed to resolve it by seonghwa buying yeosang an all new pack of donuts. 

slight twinkles filled the sky, glistening in the sea of black over the city. giggles filled the ears of the two males in seonghwa's apartment. the two of them enjoying their time together.

earlier in the day the two had been out for a meal with their other friends, the eight of them talking about anything and everything. within the past few months the group of them hadn't been able to talk as often.

obviously they all talked on social media, having a group chat that they talked in occasionally. but physically, they hadn't seen each other in a while.

somehow in the past few months san and wooyoung had got together, as well as mingi and yunho officially stating that they had been a couple for a long time. however they had kept it secret for a while because as yunho claimed 'it was more fun that way'.

upon returning to the older's apartment, yeosang had decided to completely destroy his sofa by pulling off all of its cushions. leaving a shocked and confused seonghwa stood watching him.

"what are you doing?" the older eventually questioned his boyfriend after watching him pull the cushions around his living room for a solid five minutes.

"pillow fort." yeosang stated in a 'duh' tone. as if the older male should have been able to guess what he was doing immediately.

hearing the answer seonghwa rushed to help, wanting to take part in the fun. as well as feeling slightly dumb, wondering how he didn't realise earlier.

and so the two of them set to work. pushing the all the pillows and cushions that they had available into as much of a fort as they could manage.

after about half an hour of manual labour, the two were stood breathless in front of their masterpiece of a pillow fort. seonghwa had even dragged his duvet from his bedroom and all spare pillows that he had available.

superior pillow fort.

yeosang let out a satisfied giggle, seonghwa turning towards him and smiling brightly. the two climbed into the structural mess of pillows as fast as they physically could without breaking it.

laying next to each other for a few seconds.

"okay, what do we do now?" seonghwa asked, enjoying the fort but also not knowing what they could do in it.

the younger stayed quiet for a few seconds, seemingly thinking to himself.

not too long later he shifted, turning towards his boyfriend. his face held a smug smile, obviously having something in mind. but he wasnt going to say anything about it.


"how about we watch a movie?" 

"but what movie?"

"us?" yeosang suggested, having seen the trailer but not the film itself.

"you'll have to convince me. you know I don't like horror movies." seonghwa turned to the younger, only to see the male smirking towards him.

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