Two Worlds, One Family

Start from the beginning

"But the movies," Kara whined once again and Lena let her head slip passed Kara's to land on the pillow underneath her. Kara's hands dropped to her hips to steady her as she let out a groan and put nearly her whole body weight on her girlfriend. "We will get to this later, I promise." Kara whispered, placing a kiss on the side of Lena's head.

Before she could register it, Kara was lifting the two of them into the air and landing them on the ground, maintaining a grip on Lena at all times. "You have got to stop doing that." Lena scolded halfheartedly.

Kara shrugged once Lena gained her balance and wrapped her arms around Lena's neck, leaning in for another quick kiss. "It has proven to be the most effective way to get you out of bed."

Lena smirked, lacing her arms around Kara's waist and leaning close to her ear. "And you have proven to be the most effective way to get me in." she teased, biting at Kara's ear.

Kara slipped out of Lena's grasp quicker than Lena could register it and was across the room with an accusatory finger pointed at her. "Later." she demanded as Lena crossed her arms, a coy look playing at her face. "Breakfast now." she nodded before turning on her heel to head to the kitchen one floor down.

Lena smiled, "Whatever you say. I'm just saying, I know exactly what I want for breakfast." she continued, following her girlfriend out of the bedroom. She caught the slight falter in Kara's step and smirked to herself. If she was going to endure children's movies for the day, musical ones no less, she was going to have a bit of fun.


Lena was just about finished with breakfast, flipping her pancake over while Kara sat on the counter next to her. Her own pile of four pancakes was waiting beside her. Lena had told her to just eat because she could practically hear Kara's stomach growling but Kara insisted they eat together.

So, instead she was sitting next to Lena, playing with the box of pancake mix in her hands. Her eyes were pinched together, showing the adorable crinkle Lena and Alex always loved teasing her about. Lena quirked an eyebrow and glanced to Kara, "What's wrong?" she questioned.

Kara shook her head, "I couldn't imagine eating these everyday if I didn't have the metabolism of-" she cut off at a loss for words, clearly lost in studying the label.

"A God?" Lena provided, knocking Kara's bare leg as the girl gave her a pointed look. Lena knew Kara didn't like being referred to as such, thinking it was disrespectful to actual Gods. But, Lena really couldn't think of a better way to describe her girlfriend sometimes.

Kara rolled her eyes, letting a smile pull at her lips. "I guess, but really, why does everything that tastes so good have to be so bad for you?" she questioned, actual concern on her face.

"Well," Lena started in a teasing tone.

Kara cut her off before she could finish the sentence, "No jokes about you being a Luthor and tasting good." she eyed but even she couldn't hide the smirk on her lips.

"I'm glad we're on the same page here." Lena smirked, flipping her pancake onto her plate and turning the knob to power off the stove top.

She quickly slid herself between Kara's parted legs, pushing herself against her girlfriend who still sat perched on the counter top. Her hands fell to Kara's still bare thighs, as neither of them bothered to dress further before leaving the bedroom. Cooking in their underwear and bed shirts was pretty typical for the couple whenever they had a morning to themselves.

Lena heard Kara's breath hitch in her throat as Lena's hands ran up her legs, stopping only when she felt the material of the boy shorts on her fingertips. "But," she began, playing an innocent look on her face as she watched Kara give her a pointed look, "You taste good and you've only ever been good for me." she shrugged, licking her lips in a way she knew would frustrate Kara to no end.

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