A New Threat

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"Sir! Two unidentified slip-space signatures have been detected to our left side!". I glanced out the window toward the location of the signals and waited as the dog fight between our fighters and the covenants banshees raged on. Not a moment later a white ship appeared from its jump and seemed to be flaming and seems to have taken considerable damage. After it jumped in another ship jumped right behind it which surprised the crew where could see they two ships. The newer of the two began shooting at the white ship. The white ship returned fire but they seemed to be headed our way.

"Get in contact with them and get an identification. Now!". I ordered to which I received a quiet "yes sir". The contact transmission went through fairly quickly which surprised me when the video connection opened up showing a young man panicking along with soldiers in white and grey armor and I presume other crewmen.

"THIS IS IMS GALAXY, WE ARE IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE SUPPORT! WERE BEING TORN APART!". The soldier had said with a thick accent of a Brit. And explosion rocked them round, making them stumble as he gazed back at the screen. I judged that this ship captain was clearly inexperienced but I understand for the situation he is in. "Who are you and what is your alliance?". I asked weary of both ships currently engaged in a firefight when I saw some of the banshees and spirit drop ships heading towards both of the new ships. "My name is Jake Burman, captain of the IMS Galaxy of the IMC navy sir. Now who are you?". he said shakily as he tried to calm himself their ship rocked again. "I am Captain Robert Dalace of the UNSC Pendragon-Class Super Carrier".

What I herd next concerned me greatly as his face drained of its color. "Change course for the planet! Aim for a crash landing and keep firing all guns! What do you mean we're being boarded!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT THE MILITIA!?". One of his crewmen walked behind him and asked if they should send the pilots to deal with the boarding parties to which he nodded before breathing deeply. "All personnel.... we are being boarded by an unknown enemy shoot to kill and prepare for landfall".

Before I could speak the transmission was cut short. "May god be with him and his men. Charge up the railgun for another shot at the Super-Carrier". I had ordered. The railgun began to charge up with a slight hum which quickened as it gained charge before firing with a loud bang. The flaming IMC ship was fast approaching which prompted more of the covenant to attack. The guns of the IMS Galaxy began to target anything that attacked them. The other ship, The Militia Drucon from the looks of it began targeting the Covenant as well while keeping some guns on the IMS Galaxy. It was hell.

(With the Militia)

"Ma'am the IMS Galaxy is headed right through that firefight and to the planet". One of the crewmen told the captain. "Hunt them down! We must not let them escape and make them pay for the people of the Frontier!". She had said to her crew. "Unidentified contacts! Orders!?". one of the gunners yelled. "Fire at any that try to engage". The crew nodded and more gunfire began to rang out as the Drucon shot at the covenant fighters and drop ships as well as firing at the fleeing IMC Battleship. From time to time their ship rocked from the impact of the IMC's cannons firing at them. "Hull has been compromised in several locations. Battle stations people! Battle Stations!" She had said over the intercom as the Militia soldiers began setting up defenses and prepare for the alien forces.

(With the IMC Pilot Omen)

"Keep firing! We got titan support!" one of the many grunts in the firefight had said when I entered the hanger and began stomping and crushing the new enemy with my feet and hands. The firefight here ended pretty quickly with the smaller were either shot by the grunts or turned to a fine past of bio luminescence blue and the taller were turned to pools of purple. "Status". "Hull 100%....Shield recharging". With that I turned to the forces and opened my hatch. "secure the hanger and then go support anyone else you can find! Twenty minutes before we make landfall! Möge Gott dich segnen!". With that they nodded they locked the hanger doors shut before moving on as I had left. Our ship began to shake violently as it began to fall into atmosphere. "ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Our captain had shouted over the intercom so I moved to an indent in the wall that was used to store titans since I was in the titan bays and gripped the bars before the ship began to rumble and ring with explosions as metal scrapped against the ground. I began to pray as I felt dread loom over me before the ship shook hard and ripped my titans grip off the polls and launched us forward toward the wall. We hit the wall, everything went black with a loud metal clang and thud as I banged my head on the inside of the titan with enough force to knock me unconscious.

(some edits sorry if ya thought it was a new chapter, that will be coming soon, no promises though)

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