Well....We aren't in the Frontier Anymore

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"All personal to stations and prepare to warp to targeted coordinates. All personal to stations and prepare to warp to targeted coordinates."
That message continued to repeat over the intercom as all the IMC soldiers rushed to get ready to begin the attack as soon as we finish warping. I looked over to my titan. I had opted for the Strider chassis over the ogre or atlas chassis. The optics of the titan gazed back at me as it took noticed I had been looking at it for a a good bit now. "Pilot. Is there something wrong?" A robotic but feminine voice asked me aloud. "No.. nothing is wrong Shenzi" I replied as I examined my weapons and other gear before Climbing onto my titan and sitting in the titans hand and opened the hatch to the seat and begin organizing equipment.
"How many Militia pilots you think they'll bring to this fight?" I herd someone say to me, which I had presumed it was either one of the grunts or another pilot. "Unsure. I just know that me and Shenzi will rip them apart." I replied back as I had secured my R-97 in its holder along with my p226 pistol in its holder. "What the Militia  lack in skill they make up in numbers". My titan said aloud.
"Commencing jump in..."


I had quickly hopped inside my titan as I had made the neural connection to Shenzi but I let Shenzi stay in control of the chassis for now

We had made the jump to the location. And judging from the sight, we were late to the party. Shame really.
"Pilots the planet has been lost. The Militia have destroyed the refueling depot but we are attacking any targets that we can as whatever drop ships that managed to escape the surface return to the mother ship". The robot in charge of battle operations known as Spyglass has said to the pilots through our coms.

The Militia's mother ship began heading towards us with the intent to destroy us. even with our ships firepower, we can't stand up to the sheer numbers of the threat at hand. I take control of Shenzi and grab some spare ammo rounds as well as the rail gun rifle I have taken a liking to. "Militia fighters inbound. Preparing for a tactical retreat now". I hear Spyglass say over the intercoms. I feel the ship begin to hum ever so slightly as we start up the jump process before our ship shakes violently, throwing some of the grunts and engineers to the ground, which makes the emergency lights turn on.

"Starboard brow taking heavy cannon fire". the ships AI had said aloud as the ship began to shake again. "Jump calculations 73% done." I begin to anticipate that perhaps our ship will end up just like the other IMC wreaks floating around. "Jump calculations 87% complete". Another strike shakes the ship but this time it sounded like a far more damaging hit. "Jump calculations comp- Warp engine has been compromised. Jump anyway?". I began to worry now that maybe all of us may die. Our ships captain gave the command to proceed. And with that our ship lurched forward as it shot into space.

Everything seemed fine. Aside from the blaring red emergency lights indicating significant hull damage. A windowed screen opens on my H.U.D. allowing me to see what one of the cameras is seeing which shows a few large purple ships and some dark grey colored ships engaging in combat which confused me along with several of the personal. "Militia signatures inbound. Prepare for engagement". We refocused our attention to the more prominent threat and focused back to the militia. The grunts were frightened and some began to pray. Maybe we would be the fleet that went MIA after Demeter's destruction. Never to be found again.

I was thrown out of my thoughts as our ship rocked from an explosion. "Boarding parties have breached the ship! Boarding parties have breached the ship! THEY ARNT THE MILITIA!"

"Shenzi get ready, we're bout to go show the enemy who their fuckin with." I said grinning under my helmet. "Of course pilot" my titan replies as it grabs the gun and attaches it to its back then it grabs the Xo16 chaingun since it is most likely going to be close quarters. We begin walking to the hangers along with other titans following suit.

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