Unknown places

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I don't know where I'm going its been awhile I believe. am I alive or dead?

The light is bright

Am I dead?

I'm having flash backs of all the drugs of Pete leaving the band Emily so sweet but hurting so bad after Brendon's death the birth of Bronx Pete leaving California Kelly my girlfriend leaving me after finding the cocaine moving into my moms basement Patrick marring Maddie, Emily marring Ryan and getting pregnant, my car drifting over the yellow line, the headlights of the car on the other side of the road, the crash, blood, ambulance, surgery, visits from Emily, my doctor Joe, Patrick once, then most recently Emily and Pete, then just Pete and its been awhile

I still don't know if I'm alive or if this is my path to dying

I miss all of them that's when the door opens to my room I still don't know if I'm dead because this has to be a dream Kelly is here

"Andy, I love you" she says


"Please come back" she says

She pulls out a box it's tall and thin

She opens it and pulls out the pee stick

She turns it to me

"Look, I'm pregnant, Andy your a dad, if you would just wake up" she says she puts it back in her bag

"It's your choice" she says grabbing my hand kissing my head and leaving

All the memories of her kissing me the way she just kissed my comatose body

She always kissed my head after sex

But she's the reason I OD'ed on the drugs that and the band splitting

My choice?

Why would I come back to a world that I wanted to leave for a reason the reason being her and losing the greatest thing in my life

I tried to kill myself

Or did I?

The memories go blurry and everything goes black and then white and black again


Flat line

Ryan Ross's lover and Pete Wentz's baby mamaWhere stories live. Discover now